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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Calling In Sick


  1. Read somewhere it'll be the 1st time 2 Catholic VP's faced off.
    No, I don't feel sorry for Joe. He's had it coming.

  2. Plagiarism is what DE's Joe is known for. His reputation can't hold a candle to Paul Ryan. I can't wait until the VP debates. No comparison.

  3. He had better call in sick. Paul Ryan will eat old slow joe up in any debate. Good sense and truth trumps liberal "logic" and deception any day of the week. I can't wait to see the show. It should be a laugh a minute.

  4. Word is that Ryan is a lot like Reagan.I hope so.

  5. I can caption this one perfectly-dumb and dumber. Which is which is in the eyes of the beholder.


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