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Friday, August 17, 2012

California Parks Aides Used 'Katrina Codes' To Pay Managers Overtime

California parks officials apparently used obscure payroll codes intended for wildfires and disasters such as Hurricane Katrina to turn vacation time into overtime pay for managers, the state controller's office testified Wednesday.

The state payroll system generally blocks managers from receiving overtime, said John Hiber, the state controller's chief operating officer, at a Senate oversight hearing. But override codes exist for rare cases such as Department of Forestry and Fire Protection employees fighting wildfires or emergency workers providing disaster relief.


Read more here: http://www.sacbee.com/2012/08/16/4730287/california-parks-aides-used-katrina.html#storylink=cpy

1 comment:

  1. Good ole Katrina. Gave the Chief of police the excuse to use the police dept., army, national guard, sheriffs office, and others, to take everyone's weapons. Which they did.

    Kicked in doors, assaulted people, raped women, took weapons, and probably anything else they wanted.

    Some of you are worried about government coming for your guns, it has already happened.

    In the middle of the night by the truckloads, military and cops invaded their homes, took their weapons, cuffed and stuffed anyone who resisted, and continued until everyone was unarmed.

    It is no longer a question of if we lose our rights, freedoms and liberties, it is WHEN.

    Stock up on ammo, mre's, water, medicine, and un-registered weapons in a place they will not find.

    When they take what they KNOW you have, bring out the ones you did not register or tell anyone about.

    And remember, whoever you tell something to will turn you in for something as simple as food. Even your best friend and family members.

    It's coming. You can either be fodder or fighters.

    Ever heard the expression "brother against brother"?


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