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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Biofuels Boondoggle

The Pentagon pays less than two dollars a gallon for jet fuel.

Under President Obama's half a billion dollar 'green energy' initiative for the military the Navy spent $26 a gallon for biofuel made from algae.

Think that's expensive?  That's nothing.  The Air Force recently spent $59 a gallon for biofuel made from sugar.

The negative impact of using sugar for biofuels is that it causes a rise sugar prices, driving up the cost of thousands of food products.  Hitting every American family in the pocketbook.



  1. When are the citizens of this country going to wake the hell up?

  2. He was selected to bankrupt America and is working every angle to accomplish his goal. Why in the hell do the idiots in congress let him get away with this? Answer-because half of them have the same goal in mind. The worse part is that even IF republicans take control after the next election, it will change very little. America is over.

  3. Not to mention that many studies show biofuels damage military equipment. But rest assured someone who donates money to Obama just made millions on the deal.

  4. It is an example of crony profiteering.

    Someone got rich!

  5. What a load of bull sh!t. Brazil has been manufacturing biofuel from sugar cane for about 30 years. The US on the other hand, MANDATES that 40% of the corn crop be utilized for ethanol production it doesn't matter if a drought hurts corn production. That has much more of an impact on food prices.


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