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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Attention Meat Eaters

Here's a warning to all meat-eaters out there – you may be forced to completely change your diet in the near future – and you can thank global climate change and overpopulation for it.

Citing population trends that show there will be 2 billion more people on the planet by 2050, and dwindling water resources, a team of scientists with the Stockholm International Water Institute warned that in the next forty years – the world's population will be forced to radically change their diet – going almost completely vegetarian. Currently, humans get 20% of their protein intake from eating animals, but scientists warn there will s imply not be enough water res ources to s upply extra animal-bas ed products for two billion more people. Ins tead, humans will have to cut back on their animal protein consumption to 5% by 2050. If left unchecked, run away global climate change is going to make life very different for all of us in the near future – and not in a good way.


  1. More Chicken Little nonsense.

  2. Start eating more vegetables - embrace meatless mondays! Good for you!

  3. Meatless mondays sound enticing...until Monday Night Football gets started. Then it's time for wings and beer at Breaktime!!

  4. More beans, please! With all the farting going on it will gas up the air and put us in another Ice Age! Of is it Global warming? ...I forget...

    PULEEAAZZEE! The sky is falling!

  5. Meat, meat its good to eat !!

  6. Vegetarian?!! Please have you ever seen a healthy one?! We love meat and have it about 4 times a week!!! Steaks are a major rule in our house!!! And, I especially love dessert!! Every time I have one - I eat it in honor of Michelle Obama, Who says we shouldn't eat desserts!! Has she looked at herself in the mirror? Also everything is moderation!! Pretty soon the only thing that will be good for you is a cigarette and a nice cold beer!!! Coors Light, of course!!

  7. Duh;This is why depopulation is in full swing.Is'nt anyone familiar with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?


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