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Friday, August 17, 2012

'Atlantic' Editor: Take Down Boy Scouts Like Rabid Dog With Figurative 'Shotgun'

Only one day after what appears to be a politically-motivated shooting at the offices of the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian organization in our nation's capital, any hope that the domestic terror incident or "hate crime" might scare the Left into ratcheting down their recent hateful rhetoric aimed at conservative Christians who oppose gay marriage appears to be a false hope.
The website of The Atlantic magazine today carries an article shocking in its use of incendiary and hateful rhetoric laden with violent imagery, all aimed at the Boys Scouts of America.
The article, by James Hamblin, a medical doctor and an editor for the magazine, attacks the BSA for its policy of not admitting gays as members or leaders. Hamblin also proposes that organizations like the Boy Scouts – a private organization - be forced to bend to the demands of the Left on gay rights based on a dangerous concept that could mean the end of First Amendment freedoms like the freedom of religion, speech and assembly.


  1. Mr. Hamblin,
    Get the message! We do not want homosexual perverts working as recruiters amongst our children.
    AND, you can stop with the attempts to create sympathy for homosexuals too.
    That applies to local elementary schools as well! Jimbo...

  2. Hamblin sounds like he's a card carrying NAMBLA member.

    Sorry, not interested in going from helping boys grow into men, into something other than how nature intended.


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