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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Atheists Continue Threats Over ‘Unconstitutional’ RI Firehouse Cross & WWII Memorial (But City Isn’t Backing Down!)

Months after atheists first demanded that a World War I and II monument be removed from in front of a Woonsocket, Rhode Island, fire hall, the debate is nowhere near over. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), the atheist group at the center of the debate, is refusing to back down, as citizens continue to defend the monument’s presence. In a second letter to local leaders, the FFRF is, once again, urging officials to remove the cross.

In April, TheBlaze first reported about the group’s demand that the monument be removed from public lands. As you may recall, one week after the story broke, a fierce response erupted, with an estimated 1,500 people assembling against atheists’ demands and in support of the monument.



  1. So much for tolerance.

  2. There will never be "freedom from religion", as the majority of americans believe in God and have religion. In fact, this country was founded on religious principles, one of which is tolerance to allow others to practice, preach, and display their beliefs and symbols without retribution. So, just dissolve your group and quit telling others how to live. MYOB is the byword here.

  3. Nobody tries to force these people to practice a religion they are just a hate group on the attack aided by the ACLU.

  4. Isn't their a relegion a relegion that has no god. That is their god a no god. Therefore it is relegion.

  5. anon 9-by that logic, if you're a Christian but you believe there is no Buddha, then are you a Buddhist?

  6. 9:00 You are correct. Their belief system which believes there is NO God is a religion. I also think that Atheism should start being referred to as a religion, therefore shutting them up.

  7. Atheism is the lack of a belief...9:00 and 7:05 you are both morons. You definitely cannot classify it as a religion if they are not worshiping anything.

  8. 8:14 Moron? Alright you never win an argument when you start with the name calling.

    The definition of religion is a belief system and atheism is a belief system.

    Moron? Yeah, right.


  9. 8:14 One more thing. Look at #4 in the Merriam Webster online dictionary and you will see where I am right.


  10. Funny how the shoe is on the other foot this time. You "tolerant" "christians" want to publicly express your homophobia and hate the gays, but god forbid someone actually argues a point that's covered in the Constitution- no church and state. Bet there wouldn't be this much outrage if it was a star of David. Typical right-wing bible thumping hypocrites. You're the worst kind of "christian" there is, you do not espouse any of christ's true principles.

  11. Atheist worship themselves lol. 9:27 go get yourself a chick-a-filet sandwich and a big glass of shut the hell up. This has nothing to do with gays. If want to be gay so be it no one is stopping you. So why bash people who support christian values. Why fear a cross at a war memorial. You get to wave your rainbow flag and march on the capitol. Talk about a hypocrite.

  12. I guess I should fumbled through life believeing I sprung from an ape. It appears some of you are only missing the tail. I guess you did not spring far enough.

    A cemetary is far from Church and State as stated and intended in the Constitution. Sorry that dog wont hunt.


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