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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Anthony Brown

I consider myself fortunate for a number of reasons: the privilege to serve the people of Maryland, the ability to make a real difference in the lives of families, and the opportunity to move our great State forward through difficult economic times.

I am also fortunate that I have had a true partner in governing from the day I took office – your Lieutenant Governor, and my friend, Anthony Brown. Anthony is an outstanding public servant, and I have seen first-hand the results we’ve achieved becaused of Anthony’s leadership on efforts to create jobs, improve healthcare, and make college more affordable for more families.

No matter what lies ahead for Anthony in public service, I know that I will be with him 100 percent, because I believe that our State, our communities, and all Marylanders will benefit greatly with Anthony bringing people together to work for our shared priorities.

As Lieutenant Governor, Anthony has pushed hard to get our economic initiatives passed to protect our investments in education and job creation. He is nationally recognized for his leadership on behalf of our veterans, and he has developed groundbreaking new laws to protect victims of domestic violence.

The challenges facing Maryland have not been easy, and our progress would not have been possible without Anthony’s leadership and determination. Together, we’ve made the largest investment in our State’s history in public education, and Maryland’s public schools have been ranked number one in the nation four years in a row. Together, we have been able to maintain Maryland’s Triple A bond rating. And together, we’ve been able to recover 65 percent of jobs lost during the Great Recession and keep our unemployment rate more than 15 percent below the national average.

Throughout all of these challenges, Anthony has been by my side every step of the way. He has taken the lead on some of the most difficult measures our administration has pursued, from expanding and improving the delivery of health care and eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicaid, to strengthening Maryland laws protecting neglected children, to taking guns out of the hands of domestic abusers. He has leveraged legislative experience, consensus-building skills, and intelligence to pass many of our most critical priorities.

We have to work hard to make sure this progress continues well into the future, and that our State continues to move forward. For these reasons and more, I urge Anthony to continue his public service and pursue the greatest possible level of public responsibility. He has been my partner day in and day out, and he understands what needs to be done to make sure our state moves forward, not back.

After nearly six years of working together, I know that Anthony understands better than anyone how our government works, and more importantly, how to ensure it works best to improve the lives of our citizens. More than any other public official, Anthony Brown has my complete trust in his ability to serve the best interests of Maryland.

Over the coming months, I will be working hard to make sure Maryland benefits from Anthony’s continued leadership and that the progress we have made together continues well into the future. I hope you will join me in supporting Anthony in his commitment to build on the progress we’ve made in the years to come.


Martin O’Malley

P.S. Please take the time to visit www.AnthonyBrown.com to learn more about Anthony’s story, his family, his military service, and the hard work he’s doing every day to move Maryland forward.


  1. So O'Malley wants Mikulski's job & he wants Brown to have his....They both need to be gone. Maryland is one of the worst tax states to live in.

  2. I think it's more like omalley wants and is expecting a cabinet postion in the obama admin if obama happens to pull off the election rumor has it....

  3. He diserves a cell right next to omally and Hussein obama....

  4. Yea. Right. Support Brown for even more taxes and welfare.

  5. Not to worry. Thanks to Baltimore City and Baltimore and PG counties, he's a shoo-in.

  6. To continue to elect democrats is to keep yourself in the poor house.

  7. Anyone with an Owe'Malley endorsement will have the kiss of death.

  8. When did picking your pocket become classified as having SERVED? You DID make a difference in the lives of families however. Just watch out that the door doesn't hit you on your way out.

  9. 8-7-12
    There will be poetic justice done as soon as O'Bama gets his ass kicked in November. He will realize when you want or need ANYTHING you don't get a LOSER like OweMalley to (ha,ha) HELP you.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    When did picking your pocket become classified as having SERVED? You DID make a difference in the lives of families however. Just watch out that the door doesn't hit you on your way out.

    August 7, 2012 12:00 PM"

    This is an absolute wonderful comment, thought provoking and so true. Omalley no doubt classifies himself as a public servant. The thing is everything he has ever done (raising taxing) is something ANYONE can do. Raising taxes and implimenting new fees isn't something a great man does. A great man thereby earning the title of a public servant, comes up with more creative ways to balance budgets and keeping the state operating. He is the epiptome of why people do not respect politicians and just the work politician evokes disgust and foulness. He deserves a cabinet post in the admin of one who is destined to go down as the most inept person to ever occupy the White House.
    2 peas in a pod......

  11. "There will be poetic justice done as soon as O'Bama gets his ass kicked in November."

    According to Dick Morris (who is optimistic of a Romney victory) Obama just may be calling the moving company soon. Read Morris' The Real Poll Numbers on his site.

  12. Doesn't matter, when Mikulski retires O'Malley will appoint himself to replace her...Then Brown gets his job. Done deal.

  13. I think he looks like Obama, realy. Check it out. map


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