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Friday, August 31, 2012


Clearly, someone was unhappy with the President traveling through Lorain County in Ohio, yesterday.


  1. If he's from Lorain County that's probably as far as he can count.

  2. Really great example this idiot sets. This is exactly what is wrong with this country. No one respects each other any more. If not respect for the man, there certainly needs to be respect for the office. He is the President of the United States. everyones President.

  3. I like this and agree it 100%. Obama gave everyone in the country the finger with Obamacare and how it was ramroded thru Congress. Screw Obama!

  4. 9:34

    He is reflecting the same example Obama has established with his politics of unfounded personal destruction.
    America is sick and tired of his racism, cronyism, lies, distortions and general smart a$$ attitude...

  5. we are a product of what Obama created. lazy rude bums. SOO doing this is up his alley

  6. Stay classy, Ohio!

  7. Ditto's to this guy. Wish I was standing beside him. And I can count to 100. This guy gave him just what he deserves. As much respect as he(Obama) has given our Constitution.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Really great example this idiot sets. This is exactly what is wrong with this country. No one respects each other any more. If not respect for the man, there certainly needs to be respect for the office. He is the President of the United States. everyones President.

    August 31, 2012 9:34 AM"

    When obama (and I will never call him president) starts showing respect then he will get it in return. The man is reponsible for more division in this country than anyone. He hates and is jealous of success and his envy is obvious. History will not be kind to him and it will be his own fault.

  9. He better be careful. Could be a drone coming his way.

  10. I think the guy flipping the bird is Obama's bus driver.

  11. I think the guy flipping the bird is Obama's bus driver.

    August 31, 2012 11:30 PM

    Could be, I just noticed the bus was stopped.


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