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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

An Ugly Incident In Tampa...

TAMPA, Fla. -- An ugly incident at tonight's GOP convention, via TPM:
An attendee at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday allegedly threw nuts at a black camerawoman working for CNN and said “This is how we feed animals” before being removed from the convention, a network official confirmed to TPM.


  1. Nothing to do with color.
    Everything to do with CNN and their
    support for Marxist President Barak Hussein Obama.
    Still not the right time or place.

  2. And that's the problem with having an an open bar before the festivities.

  3. Should've been skittles.

  4. It would seem as though others are beginning to feel like me.

    I have never been a racist nor discriminated nor even thought about it UNTIL the liberals kept calling me (or any white) racist for disagreeing with any black folk. Then, and only then, have I started to get really pissed and just want to give it back.

    I suspect that's what might have happened.

  5. Yeah, O'Malley was there to stir up crap as well. No doubt one of his perps. Democrats will stop at nothing to be a$$holes.

  6. It's a proven hoax, The only racism was after all of the black Republicans gave their speeches they were called house N-words by white Democrats.

  7. It was no doubt a democrat plant.


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