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Friday, August 17, 2012

A Letter To The Editor 8-16-12

Police Brutality/Excessive Force

On April 3, 2012 we were preparing to move out of our Ocean City home and went and stayed at the Alamo motel, while we were waiting for our new place to be ready. However, before we got there, I had called and asked how much it would cost to stay there from April 12th to May 3rd. Roscoe, the owner, told me $495.00, which includes all taxes as well. I paid for it over the phone and on the 12th we got there. Then on April 25th, Roscoe came to our room and knocked on the door and told us that we owed him a weeks stay starting April 26th or we have to leave. I reminded him of what he had told me on the phone and told him that it is not my fault you miss calculated weeks and that I didn't owe him for anything. He said, "you are right" then he proceeded to walk away. He returned 10 minutes later and asked my husband to go to the office with him regarding the previous conversation. He gets my husband, who is terminally ill and disabled but able to communicate just fine, to go with him. As soon as my husband walks into his office, Roscoe immediately starting yelling, screaming, and cussing at my husband and then punches him in his chest. My husband slammed his hands on his glass counter and then started yelling back at him. My husband then walked out of his office while Roscoe called the police having them show up not 5 minutes later.

A State Trooper, 4 officers from the Worcester County Sheriffs Department and a Natural Resource Police officer show up. The officers first went in and spoke with Roscoe and his office employee. Then they walk over and have my husband sit in a chair outside our room and hear our side of the story. We were told, "regardless if Roscoe miscalculated or not if he says you have to go, he can make you leave. This is a motel not a residential unit." Then my husband heard Roscoe say, "Your wife and daughter can stay, but you, meaning my husband, has to go." My husband said, "I have done nothing to you, what have I done that would make want me away from my family?" My husband then threw his hands up in the air and told officers that he is disabled and terminally ill and is too sick for this and it isn't right. I can 't take anymore then proceeded into our room. That is when the Sheriffs department officers move me out of the way, with our 3 y/o daughter on my hip and grabbed my husband, dragged him out of our room, threw him into the gravel road, one officer forced my husband face into the gravel, the other three jumped on top of him making his back and leg make a loud popping sound, then the State Trooper held down his other leg. My husband was being screamed at, pushed down on even for a couple minutes after. My husband told them repeatedly, "my knee is broke, my leg is broke, my back my back." They told him that nothing is broke and to get up or they will make him get up. He couldn't stand so they yanked him up and threw him down in the chair and proceeded to yell at him some more. Mean while all this was being done in front of my daughter, employees of the motel, and other tenants. Roscoe looked dead at my face and shrugged his shoulders with a smart grin on his face and said, "oh well, that's what he gets and I don't care."

One of the Sheriffs officers then picked my husband up off his feet, pulled him into our room and under his breathe he told my husband, "this is your fault, you remember that, it's your fault and you did this to yourself" and because of what happened my husband agreed with him afraid they would hurt him even more. My husband was never charged or arrested. An ambulance arrived on scene and took him to Peninsula Regional Medical Center. Sargent McGee from Worcester's Sheriffs Department was an escort to the hospital. None of the officers took any pictures, as they are required too. Internal Affairs was called and no return effort, on their part, was made. and my husband went in on a Friday and had surgery for his broken leg and knee on Tuesday morning. Now he has a steel plate for a knee and a leg with steel rods and bolts holding it together. They are still doing tests on his back. Plus he had rocks and gravel still coming out of his head a week after he came home from the hospital where they shoved his face into the gravel road. He was in the hospital almost another week before he was brought home by ambulance. My daughter didn't sleep thru the night for over a month after this happened because she would wake up crying for her daddy. What they did needs to be told, they need to be punished, and my husband and daughter need to be compensated for their actions. It was unnecessary, uncalled for, and just plain wrong!!!! They do not deserve to wear the uniform hurting a disabled terminally ill man and scaring a 3 year old little girl. My life has become that much harder because now my husband requires more attention, more appointments and everything else. We survive on SSDI for income and don't even own a vehicle. I would like for this to become a big deal because to me it is a big deal.

Cheri Ardi's and Family


  1. It sounds like you have a real case against the police, if I were you, I'd be talking to lawyers.

  2. Sounds just enough unlikely to be true. Somebody who has some "pull" needs to force a formal investigation.

  3. If this is true---Unbelievable---I've watche real life shows on TV where the "accused" is being treated inhumanely when they are offering No Resistance----Really this is beyone Unnecessary!

    Their a-- needs to be sued if you've witness to prove the fact!! What is happening to our Police anyway----god help their families if they have to try & prove themselves in this way!!!

  4. good old roscoe that place is a dump

  5. He probably needed the room for his russian prostitues

  6. It is a known fact police officers are violent people on the job and off. They beat and intimidate family just like they did this man.
    That is the Blue Code.


  8. Just a thought, you could get a job and pay some of your own bills.

  9. This is the wife of the injured...it is going to federal court, I do have great representation. I also have plenty of proof and witnesses. At the last comment....my husband is permanently disabled and terminally ill and receives SSDI. So we don't need to get a job, we do pay all our bills and on time. However, the bills created by the other party will be paid for by them...not us!!! Thank you for all of your comments!

  10. sounds like a couple deputies needs a dressing-down and roscoe needs a serious A-whoopin'!

  11. Sure would like to here Sheriff Mason's spin on this. I worked with him for years at OCPD and find it very difficult that he would tolerated this type of activity. Don't know Roscoe but sounds like a bit of a flake if all that is true. I really don't think Reggie would put up with that kind of action. Wish someone would contact him and post his thoughts on here.

  12. I will NEVER stay at that SH t H le Ever.

  13. I had contacted the Sheriff's office and I have the names of those involved but not going to put it out there while lawyers are involved. However, a call was made to IA and never have they contacted me back regarding this incident by any means.

    Trust me, we didn't want to stay there, but that was the only place we could afford for a couple weeks while we waited for the new place to be ready.

    I would have appreciated anyone from that department to contact me. But, noone did. So now it is going to court if that is what needs to be done. With my husband being under federal care, his civil rights were violated and its going to go to federal court.

  14. If you had a case you would have a lawyer. Sounds to me like someone ruffled your feathers and the only way for you to get even was to stir up trouble on the only place that would listen to these fantasies.

  15. We're hearing just one side here. C'mon people - do you REALLY think that six police officers from three different jurisdictions all decided to use over-the-top-force on a disabled man for absolutely NOTHING? For NO reason at all? Think about it: Six guys putting their jobs and pensions in jeopardy to beat someone up just for kicks. Something doesn't ring true here.
    Let's hear all the facts - then decide.

  16. We survive on SSDI for income and don't even own a vehicle.

    But you own a computer, or you wouldn't be here.

  17. Why do I have a feeling there is alot more to this story...

    People (on both sides of a story) always leave out details that cast shadow on thier side of the story. If all that your husband REALLY did was to throw his hands up (and not AT officers) then sure does sound a bit excessive, but is that truly the case here...

    A quick look case at Case search I found a Steven J Ardis with quite the crimal record.... not saying this is him (the victim) or that having such a history warrants excessive force, just that like i said, there is may be more to this story..

  18. If this is true, the agreement to pay for that length of stay at the given price should have been on paper. For you as the occupant to not obtain that is setting yourself up for issues. Also, your husband should not have walked away. That being said, if everything about the unjustified reaction by law enforcement is also true, I hope you are able to get some due justice.

  19. So, no charges and the cops claim he broke his own leg and put himself in the hospital for 2 weeks?
    Par for the course in O.C.

  20. No way the cops treated you all in an unlawful matter? It is unbelievable....wait no it isn't because 80% of policeman in today's age have some sort of power comlpex. They can do what they want because they know the "law" is what they want to make it anymore. If I were you I would have A) listed each cops name in this article, and B) had a lawyer on the phone as they were throwing your husband to the ground. Roscoe probably pays some of them as well. our justice system is a joke and it has been for a long time. People repeatedly bash me on here for being a "cop hater" but I am just a realistic person. Do not be ignorant, this happens regularly. I have been mistreated by police many, many, many more times then I have been treated well and my record is 100% clean.

  21. @11:43 ? You my friend are just stupid.

  22. I moved to O.C. in 1992. I witnessed the police treating people like this routinely and I moved away within 4 months and never went back because of it.

  23. Plenty of poor advice given so far.Just forget all of it and get an out of the area law firm involved.Be thinking DC or Philly,or maybe even Baltimore,but don't entertain a conflict of interest by hiring a local attorney.Make sure you enlist the help of a major law firm.Make sure they don't get paid until you get paid.

  24. Much more to this story. It WAS the husbands fault for refusing to leave when ordered to by the property owner. Sounds like your "ill and disabled" must not be very "ill and Disabled" to fight the police.

  25. 6:27-You are probably right,but this family still has the right to take this to the next level &argue their case.If at that point it's thrown out of court so be it.

  26. "We're hearing just one side here. C'mon people - do you REALLY think that six police officers from three different jurisdictions all decided to use over-the-top-force on a disabled man for absolutely NOTHING? For NO reason at all"

    Um, yea, these so called payed professionals and pristine images of society do it everyday. Can somebody tell me why law enforcement is one of the highest paying and easiest jobs to get in this area right now period. To become a police officer all you have to do is pass a few general studies courses and pass a physical. Oh one more, drive around in a car with another police officer for six months (field experience, WOW). The academy at Wor-Wic is nothing compared to Pikesville, but every six months a group of trigger happy cadets, some with no personal skills, and a power trip get pushed into the workforce. The best part is they look down upon the rest of the population that works at lower sectors in the job market, or payed to get four year degrees to get better paying jobs, without the help of being given a state mandated grant. They then walk out of school to drive a car that tax payers payed for, gas mileage that tax payers pay for, and purchase half million dollar homes, that your tax dollars funded for a salary. Somebody needs to draw up a better Psych test and graduating criteria, because as long as you have easy graduating standards, there will be crazy people handling tasers and guns.

  27. August 17, 2012 9:42 PM

    You said it better than I could.

  28. As of just a couple hours ago there has been no complaints filed at WCSD. Could be they are waiting but just thought you might like to know this

  29. @ 9:42...

    Where do you get that law enforcement is one of the "highest paying" jobs in the area?

    you obviously are confused based on that statement.

    I know several police officers, none of whom live in half a million dollar houses... most are living paycheck to paycheck like the rest of the region.

    You may have some valid points in your statement, but you lose most credability with that "fact" alone. do you even know what a $500,000 house looks like in this area? Hell there are only a few for sale between 450,00 and 550,000

  30. 9:432 PM:

    As in society in general, there will always be a few bad apples that will slip through the cracks that maybe shouldn't take up law enforcement.
    The OCPD has an incredibly difficult job. On every shift they confront the mundane "quality of life" problems in this town, and every so often need to protect the well-being of the citizens as well as themselves in dangerous situations.
    Try not to generalize the force. It goes much deeper than the college rookie you see on the streets of OC. There are many very dedicated and very professional people on the OCPD.
    (By the way: Your comment was well thought-out and concise, but the word is "paid" - not "payed". It sort of dumbed-down your response.)

  31. What I get from coming to this site and reading articles is this: people really do not trust the police any more, of they can't trust them then what good are they really doing? There is a reason a lot of people post negative comments on here it can't all be coincidence.


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