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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Yes, You Can Be Charged With DWI For Driving Drunk On A Walmart Scooter

If you think you have to be driving a car, truck, SUV, motorcycle or even a Vespa to qualify for a DWI, the police in Houma, Louisiana, would disagree. On Sunday night, they arrested a man for operating a Walmart motorized scooter while having a blood alcohol content of .179.

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  1. i have a co-worker who once got arrested for DWI on a bicycle

  2. thank god Wal Mart does'nt have a blue light special.The scooter people would turn the place into another Daytona 500.

  3. It wasn't in the store and he stole it so probably deserved it.

  4. I can't believe all of the scooters that I saw today at Wally world. It was tough getting through Aisles. I'm sure some were in assistance of the scooters but I know the others weren't. They were just fat and lazy

  5. 12:44 PM

    I'm sure you're right, DOCTOR.


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