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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Worcester Leads Md. In Incoming Taxpayer Migration

Worcester has seen the greatest incoming migration of taxpaying citizens among all jurisdictions in Maryland, and subsequently the largest percentage of growth in the assessable income tax base, over a recent two-year period, according to an independent study released last week.

According to study released by Change Maryland, based on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) figures, more taxpaying citizens migrated to Worcester County over a two-year period from 2009 to 2010 resulting in the largest percentage growth in assessable income tax than any other jurisdiction in Maryland.

The inflow of 2,528 tax filers and their dependents into Worcester over the two-year period resulted in an increase in the county’s gross aggregate income of $72.2 million. While an almost in-kind number of tax filers and their dependents, 2,408, leaving Worcester over the same time period, resulted in a decrease in the county’s gross aggregate income of around $50 million, the net result is an increase in the county’s aggregate income of over $22 million, the highest level of increase in the state.



  1. No surprise here. Worcester county has the lowest rate of piggy-back tax in the entire state of Maryland!

    A great incentive to move there if I ever heard one!

  2. Did you notice that Wicomico Co. was next to last behind Baltimore City. And could it be that they each have the bigger population on Government assistance?

  3. 10:38 -

    And Ireton wants to have more low/no income housing on the downtown parking lots.


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