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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Women Describe Alleged Assaults On Texas Base

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Fighting back tears, a woman testified Tuesday that a Texas Air Force base instructor facing charges in a widening military sex scandal refused her pleas of no after luring her into his office and then sexually assaulted her on a bed.

The alleged victim said after the attack, Staff Sgt. Luis Walker told her not to tell anybody about what happened.

"I said no several times, in several different ways. He didn't accept that answer," the female airman testified, wiping away the tears that eventually came.

She was the first of four alleged victims who took the witness stand on the opening day of testimony at Walker's court-martial at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. The women told jurors that Walker gained their trust to get them alone in his office or an empty dormitory and forced them into kissing, touching and sex.

They said they didn't tell anybody at first because they feared being booted from the Air Force. The Associated Press is not naming them because they are alleged sexual assault victims.


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