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Friday, July 20, 2012

Why Democrats So Badly Want To See Romney's Tax Returns


  1. They want to see his tax returns so they can immedietly attack him as a rich , white , neo- con who is out of touch with the rest of us. Yet they turn a blind eye to the fact that Obama is a rich black liberal who is taking OUR money and giving it to other lazy liberals who don't work , don't want work but feel because others work that they are racist and don't deserve what they worked for. ( Can you see the root word here ? )

  2. Exactly right ranger.They also will total up all the years income to make it seem worse.

  3. You're right ranger. However Obama has released a decades worth of full returns.

    And it's very simple minded of you to continue this argument of handing out money to lazy people. There will ALWAYS be people who abuse a system. But there are MANY people (ie College grads with huge student loans and no jobs to find) who need help. But that's their fault for trying to live the American dream and better themselves? Maybe they should take out a loan from their rich parents??

    I'd love to get Obama out just to have everyone shut up about it. Romney isn't going to be the guy to do it though.

    As for Dems not paying taxes, I feel it's safe to say anyone who makes any kind of money has their ways to keep their taxes as low as possible. Romney only solidifies this by not showing his returns.

  4. There is enough information that should have been presented PRIOR to putting this joker in the WHITE house that has been "Sealed" without real cause or explanation. If you ARE who you say you are then release YOUR information Barry (If that IS your real name) before demanding the same of Romney. Libtards are incredible.


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