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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

While Mom & Dad Still Help, Students Are Taking On More Of The Costs Of A College Education

The image of students riding high on the hog, flush with cash from mom and dad while partying through college might not be so true to life these days, as a new study shows that students are taking more financial responsibility for paying college costs, whether from their own pockets or through borrowing.

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  1. "back in the day", we paid for college as we went. no loans and sometimes mom and dad would help if they could.

    sad to see young people strapped with so much debt today. best way to stop having all this debt is to pay as you go. work, earn and learn. it can be done. you'll be better off.

  2. when our children were in college, we helped with the first two years as did they, as well as they worked; the final two years they did with loans and working at college and summers. One graduated in 2002 and then graduated w/ a masters in 2004; the younger graduated w/ a b.a. in 2004. Both of them have paid off their loans already, for which we, as parents, congratulated them for the early pay-off of this debt. Oh, if only other parents lead their children down the road of good work ethics!

  3. 3:26,

    Back in the day it didn't cost so much that it would take half a lifetime of 500/month to pay off a decent degree. You people love to put it on the students, like they're deadbeats who don't know the meaning of hard work. That's the biggest lie being peddled by the republican, push-the-wealth-to-the-top, Koch-led, vote-against-your-best-interests republican party. These kids are industrious, hard-working, and bright. They just want a fair shot at a good education. The same shot the baby boomers got, and have now priced out of the reach of this generation. But the, the baby boomers have ruined the country, so why does anyone else need a good education, right? "Back in the day"? Sure. Must have been grand.

  4. education is the next big bubble to burst. Within the next ten or so years, many colleges and universities are going to go out of business. So, here is a thought experiment for you, Joe. Pretend SU closes it's doors (which it will, mark my words- does anyone seriously think when the economy collapses that the state will fund the hinterland branches of its university system?)...as mayor, what would you do with it?

  5. 3:26 get over yourself dear. sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder. not a good way to live.

    times really haven't changed, but peoples attitudes have. common sense, good work ethics and good morals have nothing to do with republicans or democrats. it has everything to do with choices; good and bad.

    college is very expensive and many times not worth it today, but you don't have to go to "the best" schools and if you chose to do this just understand you have to pay for it.

    many people have chosen to be entrepreneurs. they are doing business start ups and making their own way.

    49% of college grads today can't find employment in their field and they can barely find employment at all.

    no one here gave a blanket statement judging the work habits of young people. you assumed this on your own. (if the shoe fits, wear it.)

    bottom line is DON'T follow the leading of the pack, including our current illustrious government. try to stay out of debt and continue to educate yourself in whatever you decide to do.

  6. 11:07,

    Exactly the kind of response I would expect. You've been buying that line so long, you're convinced college is a waste, and the answer is just to start up a business! Yeah, that's it! We've all got rich relatives to help us out with startup capital! We're all young, and don't have kids to feed, or families who won't miss us if we're away at the store for 18 hours a day!

    You demonize education and willingly - hell, gladly hand your money over to the richest people in the land, who look at your 50 hour work week with no leave and no benefits, and tell you, "You're not working hard enough. But don't bother with that education. Start a business!"

    Not everyone in America wants to own a business. And that lack of desire to own a business does not equal a lack of industriousness, intelligence, or motivation. There are careers to be had that don't involve opening your own store, you know.

    Moreover, there can only BE so many business owners in a free market. That's kind of the point. If we ALL owned businesses, there'd be no one to EMPLOY.

    I say again: Kids today have been effectively FORCED to saddle themselves with debt in order to BETTER themselves (because that's what an education does; makes you a better person), and they continue to be fed the lie that they're somehow not tough enough because they don't want to spend their entire adult lives and then some paying back student loans.

    So, yeah, "DON'T follow the leading of the pack"? I'd say the same thing to you.

  7. my, my 12:03. looks like i must be touching a "nerve" with you.

    there are other options in life besides the higher education road. a young person today with NO wife or children can work, earn, save and decide to be an entrepreneur. be creative, think outside the box. there really are other great options. you don't need a "fortune" to start you own business. actually there are needs out here that need to be filled. you can also work from your home through the internet and make a very good income and living with the efforts you put forth.

    you really don't have to get "snarky" because you've never tried to make money this way. not everyone is cut out for a traditional 4-6 year college degree. we all have different talents and abilities. i'm certainly not saying not to get additional education whenever you can, but always think outside the box. follow your dream. young people with no major responsibilities have a great opportunity to do this and i encourage it. no one is forced to go in debt as this is a choice. higher education has made a lot of educated idiots and educated elites. be creative, follow your dreams and passions.

    oh, by the way, who said anything about opening a store. that would be the last thing on my mind. you're bound up with old ideas.

  8. What should I do if I am unemployed and may’t find a job?
    Start turning trix.


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