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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Want Chick Fil-A Taste Without The Controversy? There’s A Recipe For That

Lots of people love the taste of Chick fil-A chicken sandwiches. Not all of them are thrilled with some recent comments made by the company's president. For those who want the Chick fil-A taste without having to deal with the controversy -- or maybe you just don't live near a Chick fil-A -- someone has apparently cracked the code on the recipe.

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  1. Freedom of speech should be celebrated.

  2. And o should freedom of boycott! Last noghtvwe went to mall. Waited in line and then stepped out and bought food at competition next to them. I will not eat at ChicFilA anymore.And I love the food.

  3. When a homosexual expresses their beliefs its called freedom of speech...but when a christian or anyone for that matter who isn't in agreement with them speaks out in opposition they are called homophobes or prejudiced, and somehow they don't have they same right to express themselves freely...go figure

  4. I worked most sundays including the other six for a dozen years or so, and was always jealous of the Chick Filet employees. I always have had a lot of respect for the family and religious values of the owner. Sure he only made 6/7 of what the competition is making, but that's enough, and there's a guaranteed day off every week. I think I'll stop in there for lunch more often in the future,

  5. chick fil-a is going to make more money than ever before.

  6. Yes if you disagree with the homosexual lifestyle your branded as a hate monger.

  7. Sandmann,

    on the flipside, christians are the only ones who degrade homosexuals when they do come out. they call them fags, homos, they threaten them with their life, they attack them, they attack their personal belongings, intimidate, etc. I could go on all night.

    Christians take it to an entire other level. All that the gays are doing is boycotting their business, not physically causing pain.

  8. I love chick fil-a and this makes me love it even more! I'm sure there will be more business rather than less. Who believes the Hollywood gang ever goes there anyway.

  9. 822-The vast majority of Christians don't do those things.

  10. History always repeat itself. Sodom and gamora .Thats all I need to say

  11. Well then, 9:21, I guess it's a good thing the stories of Sodom and Gomorrah aren't actually history then.


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