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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Violent Dispute Over $10 Leads To 10 Years In Jail

An Ocean City man convicted of first-degree murder after running over a convenience store employee with his vehicle multiple times during a dispute over $10 was sentenced this week in Circuit Court to 20 years in jail, half of which was then suspended.

Richard L. Edwards, 65, of Ocean City, was initially charged with attempted first-degree murder and other serious charges after an incident last June 9 during which he ran over north-end 7-Eleven employee Michael Curry multiple times after a dispute about the change he received following a transaction. In April, Edwards reached a plea agreement during which he entered an Alford plea to first-degree assault, a charge that carries a maximum penalty of 25 years in jail.

Back in court on Tuesday for a sentencing hearing, Edwards was sentenced to 20 years in jail, with 10 years then suspended. He was also placed on supervised probation for five years upon his release and was ordered to pay restitution to the victim in an amount as yet undetermined by the court.



  1. I bet that cashier will never short another customer and be a chump about it.

  2. He will do 4yrs, with possible release on parole for killing the store employee.

  3. Sorry Mr. Cashier but you never should have left your post and followed him outside. If you had stayed with the cash register, for which is your job and paid to do, this would not have happened.

    Not to excuse this vicious attack upon you but, you are partly responsible too.

    Over TEN DOLLARS!!

    Both of you were pathetic.

  4. Really people?? You all are sick for excusing this type of behavior and why you would even post these comments, Mr. Mayor is even more sick! And he was the chump?? Unbelievable how some of u people think, well then again maybe not so for some folks from Salisbury!

  5. Ten years. He will die in prison

  6. Unbelievable how some of u people think, well then again maybe not so for some folks from Salisbury!

    July 7, 2012 5:55 PM

    Oh why don't you just shut up and move back wherever that rock is you crawled out from under?

    If you and the other moe moe's don't like this area or the people FROM here, get out!

    I for one won't miss you. And why did you move here in the first place?

    If I don't like something, I avoid it. But I'm just one of these ignorant shore billies. What do I know? Obviously you are much more intelligent than the rest of us.

    That's why you stay here and suffer correct?

  7. Unbelievable how some of u people think, well then again maybe not so for some folks from Salisbury!

    July 7, 2012 5:55 PM

    Joe, I rebuked this person earlier today and I see you did not post my comment.

    Why do you allow jerks to deride and insult us but not allow a rebuttal and our defense of such attacks?

    I don't want to get into a pissing contest with anyone but, I am so tired of seeing the type of crap as mentioned above.

    They like to complain about this area and its inhabitants but seem to forget they moved here AND can just as easily MOVE AWAY.

    Be a little more fair towards us and allow us to express our opinions as well.

    Even if these types do not deserve a response.

  8. "Anonymous said...
    Sorry Mr. Cashier but you never should have left your post and followed him outside. If you had stayed with the cash register, for which is your job and paid to do, this would not have happened.

    Not to excuse this vicious attack upon you but, you are partly responsible too.

    Over TEN DOLLARS!!

    Both of you were pathetic.

    July 7, 2012 5:27 PM"

    You are the one that's pathetic and so are the parents that raised such a moron as yourself. It's obvious you are from is typically known as a low life family.

    Mr Customer should have waited until the cashier cashed out plain and simple; as that is what reasonable people do especially over ten dollars. Now because he was stupid he will be spending time in the state prison and it couldn't have happened to a better person.
    He's with his kind in there which is also low life's. He'll be right at home.
    The cashier had every right in the world to go outside and give the dispather the tag number of this criminals vehicle.

  9. 12:24 PM

    and thank you for your input. you win the bully in the sand box award.

  10. FIRST DEGREE murder and only 20 years? What's wrong with this picture? Disgraceful!


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