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Sunday, July 01, 2012

Video Message From Governor O’Malley On The Storm Recovery


  1. Why do you contribute to his attempt at political upward mobility?
    He is a tax and giveaway socialist. Then tax some more and advance "progressive" minority causes and the non working class of welfare dependents.

    I question the judgement.

  2. Just listening to this corrupt man makes me nauseous. It's that bad.

  3. Hello, Im an idiot and wanna bee Obama....

    I personally ruined Maryland to the point of people leaving the state from my liberal views.

    Thanks for listening.

  4. "I personally ruined Maryland to the point of people leaving the state from my liberal views. "

    Oh, yeah... The great conservative exodus of two-thousand-never. Why would you waste the time to even crap out such a stupid comment?


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