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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Today's Survey Question 7-4-12

In what way are you patriotic?


  1. I believe in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. I believe every man should do military time.
    I believe in God the Father who was responsible for the success of this nation. I beleive that freedom is not free , it has been earned. I believe that Democrats will be the downfall of America if things keep going in the same direction. I also believe that a revolution is at hand.
    Bring it on!!!!! 2nd Div. 38th Infantry , Reconn..

  2. Calling DHS a terror organization make me feel patriotic.
    Seig Heil Obama!

  3. 11;27 I was 1ST battalion, 3D Infantry Recon. I will stand by your side!

  4. in 1970 I got shot at by a lot of people I didn't even know. I got to shoot back, though, and they got the worst end of the deal.

  5. I celebrate and decorate but even though it may sound silly, Every time I see the flag, even if it is on a harley or a fire truck, my heart swells and I get tears in my eyes. I will not give up on this great country!

  6. I will always support our troops, whether I support a war or not. They take an oath to do their duty and follow orders, by choice, not by force.

    God bless those, and families of all those that have served, are serving or one day will serve.

    Hail 11:27 Kudos to you and yours also 12:38 Thank you for your sacrifice.

  7. Hey 12:38
    Is that you Donny?

  8. I don't donate to bs charities. I try and physically help people when I can and if I can. A little inconvienence for me can sometimes make all the difference in someone elses day.


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