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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today's Survey Question 7-26-12

Do you want subsidized housing in Downtown Salisbury?


  1. I do, I think it is a solid plan. Sorry.

  2. quite honestly, i dont care. but ill say yeah simply because downtown is dead. its already a festering cesspool of nothingness. at least this way, the criminals wont have far to go to their court hearings...

  3. Hell No Iretons gotta go!

  4. No......and I would not vote for Joe... But no...subsidized housing is not going to make Salisbury a better place to live. It will only bring more crime and gangs to the area. Lets get a plan to clan up Salisbury not bring it down

  5. No. What exactly is a "solid plan" 11:03? Of good quality? Reliable? Financially sound?

    This plan is by no means "solid." A "solid plan" would have had some numbers and statistics and studies to back it up such as is there a need for affordable housing in the area? Now that's a solid plan-one that's been researched.
    That's the problem. The mayor and committee find some old thing on the internet, copy it and then like 11:03, monkey see monkey do-it's a "solid plan."

  6. Hell to the no.

    There is already urban blight and neighborhoods that look like ghettos a couple blocks away.

    Why would we want more? (we surely don't NEED anymore).

    Every successful downtown I have been to has office buildings, private and government, shops, eateries, some even have small parks in them.

    Putting people downtown will not attract businesses.

    Putting BUSINESSES downtown will attract people.

    You're going about it the wrong way Jim, ass-backwards.

    People at the malls do not pay for parking. They don't have to run out every 20 minutes or so to feed any meter. They stay in the mall and spend money that way.

    Parking meters are a pain in the butt. You have to worry about having change to feed them in the first place. You have to worry about meter running out of time and you getting a ticket.

    parking meters are appropriate in certain areas, sure. But not in an area you are trying to bring people in to.

    You nickel and dime the people long enough and they disappear.

    If one of your ideas doesn't float, think of another one that will.

    You have limited time left in office. Try and do something positive for people to remember.

    What people think of you now is not flattering.

    You and anyone else who becomes mayor, should be working FOR the city of Salisbury, not against it and it's citizens.

    You bite the hand that feeds you and you will be shown the door. As is beginning to happen now.

  7. Iretons plans are a joke.

  8. RE: 11:03 AM
    You haven't been to Crisfield, MD. yet. They have 3rd and 4th generations living in those Projects. No tax base for Crisfield and only a small donation towards water and sewer.
    They also need a police substation in the middle.

  9. Jim lost my vote and support because of this. I'm going to give Joe a chance for two years and see how he does.

  10. Not only should we NOT build more, but the existing facilities should be razed as they are cesspools of indecency, drugs, violence and unsanitary vermin infested conditions.
    The residents do NOTHING to change it.
    They expect the Government to clean up after them too. (as well as paying for the free living.)

  11. Nope. If they turn that empty shell of a building into section 8 apartments all the condos across the water will drop in value. I don't qualify for welfare. Where is my affordable housing?

  12. Let Jimmy convert the water's edge condos on the west side into section 8, it's already half built lol complete with river rats

    How is low income housing going to attract more business to downtown? It won't, it will run the few businesses out

  13. No!I would rather see a big casino downtown.

  14. That would be the final nail.

  15. Joe you are on the right track. Downtown Salisbury needs ONE big attraction that will bring people to our downtown for a visit, the rest of the businesses will follow. Where money is being made definately attracts more businesses, and competion is a good thing for consumers.

    We want entertainment and shopping. When I say shopping I don't mean just going downtown to get one thing then go home, I mean shopping and walking.

    There used to be a guy downtown that hat a hot dog cart. Heck, right now a man/woman can't even make a living selling hot dogs as an exclusive downtown!

    Jim Ireton has either bumped his head seriously, or was dropped on his head as a baby?

  16. I think an over 55 community would make a lot more sense. As people age they need to be closer to services, hospitals, grocery etc.
    They got the money and they take care of their properties.

  17. NO! It is already a cess pool and a thruway for degenerates to travel from one side of town to the other. You will not catch me anywhere near there after dark unless I am armed.

  18. anonymous 1:00, not a bad idea but I truly do not believe that would work.

    It has been shown that young people enjoy the Downtown Lifestyle, not the elderly.

    Hence my entertainment district idea. I also believe without a question the Downtown area need a small grocery store. A coffee shop, a bagel shop, things of that nature.

    You need to combine and cater to the local business community as well. Someone came by my building this morning and I happened to be on the phone with a Council Person at the time when they came by. The couple asked, is there any place close by we can get breakfast. I thi=ought long and hard and couldn't think of a single place. The the Council Person mentioned Devages much furter east on Main Street and that's where the couple went.

    However, we need a really cool Diner Downtown. Maybe a 50's style Diner with ice cream and so forth.

    Annapolis has one that I think stays open 24 hours on the weekends, smart move! It's always packed and serves fantastic food at a great price.

    If you put people 55 and over Downtown you'll roll the sidewalks up as soon as it turns dark, no disrespect.

  19. LuCinda, I live here and very honestly the people whgo come through this are even after dark are very kind. They always say hello and if you look up police records you'll see that the Downtown area has the lowest crime in the entire City limits.

    Your welcome to call me any time your down here and I'll make sure you are not bothered.

  20. Subsidized apartments along the riverfront? In what should be the most annual revenue-bearing area of the city? To turn it into the least revenue-bearing kind of property, where we spend more annually on it than take in in taxes?
    No, no and no again. Dumb idea.

  21. Maybe Shannie could get a subsized home there.

  22. anonymous 1:30, maybe Shenie IS getting one there?

  23. You mean she may even already be on the list?

    That would be Shannie, to look out for herself before looking out for a taxpayer!

  24. You know darn good and well Shamie looks out for herself before any taxpayer and so does that Mitchell woman, that's why they both live in subsidized housing. Sure they want more of the same - gimme, gimme, gimme all the time - that's all they know.

  25. No section 8 in downtown. An over 55 might be a good idea, Joe. You're right about singles liking the "downtown" feel better but there isn't anything going on. No nightclub, movie theater, etc. An over 55 complex could support eateries & shops. What would be great if dr. offices opened. A senior complex would attract drs, dentists & pharmacy. I think shops would be more comfortable with seniors also.

  26. What good comes out of subsidized housing? NOTHING! Property values decrease. Businesses move out. Crime shoots through the roof. Look at the current subsidized housing areas and what they bring! NO! Stay away!

  27. I don't want subsidized housing any where. If you can't pay for a place to live, you don't get a place to live. period.

  28. No. I would be afraid of taking my children to the library particularly after dark. We use the library alot as they have very good programs.

  29. NFW - this plan is solid...waste!

  30. I agree with the 55 and older idea but with a few requirements. Single apartments/homes for ONE person only. No vouchers allowed but at least base payment on NET income and not GROSS income. I am over 55 and the last place that I applied for said they would love to have me because I have a full time job but my GROSS income was $83.44 a YEAR too high! I work downtown and would love to be able to walk to work on a nice day. And just because I am over 55 does not mean that I still can't dance, love music and can toss down a few beers on a Friday night! I would support the businesses that Joe suggested if I was able to live that close. Please don't count all of us over 55 out of the scheme of things.
    Signed, Over 55 and feel a lot younger!

  31. A senior complex would attract drs, dentists & pharmacy

    no, no and no.

  32. I agree with a previous poster keep the sec 8 housing for the elderly most others abuse that system because it turns into a war zone for drugs, a breeding ground for violence and a public nuisanace for all. Example is the Cove area in Crisfield.


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