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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today's Fill In The Blank 7-26-12

I want more ____.


  1. I want more_____ TAXES!!

    So Jim Ireton can get more of that FREE MONEY!!

    SALISBURY: Feds provide grants for 12 new firefighters

    WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) today announced the City of Salisbury’s Fire Department was awarded grants through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Staffing for Adequate Fire & Emergency Response grant program to hire 12 firefighters.

    Salisbury has been awarded $1,038,912 in federal funds. The Salisbury Fire Department will use the grant funds to hire 12 firefighters necessary to protect residents and maintain a full staff. Due to the economic downturn, this has not been possible in two out of the three Salisbury stations in four years.

    “I know how important this funding is to Maryland communities – often it’s the difference between life and death. First responders protect our homes and communities, and the federal government has a responsibility to protect them by providing them with the tools they need to do their jobs safer and smarter,” Mikulski said. “Every day when our first responders report for duty, they don’t know what they will face. That’s why I fight every year for the staffing, equipment and training our protectors and communities deserve.”

    “Now more than ever, we need to make sure that we have the first responders in place that are needed to protect our families and communities,” Senator Cardin said. “From fires to natural disasters to possible terrorist threats, communities cannot shoulder this burden alone. It is important that we provide the federal investment that is needed so communities can hire the first responders that are needed to protect us from harm.”

  2. pork sausages, pleeeease.

  3. July 26, 2012 12:40 PM

    WTH more free money? Who is going to pay for the firefighters when the grand funding runs out?

  4. of my votes back.

  5. sex. Twice a day is not cutting it!

  6. got have people to keep that fireboat nice and shiney. A hole in the water where our money goes. equiptment like that has to be used and kept in working order whether we need it or not. like anything else, you can't just let it sit idle and expect it to do what it's expected to do, if that time ever comes. that boat will have more dings in it than the new ladder truck did!

  7. WTH more free money? Who is going to pay for the firefighters when the grand funding runs out?

    July 26, 2012 1:08 PM


  8. clown faces on Jimbo

  9. Faith in my government. I used to have a lot but somewhere along the line, I seemed to have lost most of it. Maybe I don't need more faith exactly, I would be happy to regain what I lost.

  10. Time with my best friend.

  11. Need way more good men who are not self centered alcholics or pot heads?

  12. Need way more good men who are not self centered alcholics or pot heads?

    July 27, 2012 8:44 AM

    Maybe we already have them but they avoid you?


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