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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Today's Catch In OC


  1. What did they catch?

  2. Great Job OCPD! Keep up the good work!

  3. A young couple maybe in their early 20s. They are sitting on the curb next to the car door with their hands cuffed behind their back. I doubt anyone will ever know why other than this couple. I would suggest any weekend morning that you take a lawn chair and set yourself up on Division street just East of the 7-11 between Baltimore and Philadelphia avenue and watch the action.

  4. Unless you live in ocean city you do don't really know the stuff these guys get away with. They have no one to answer to. You do not need to be a criminal to have day ruined by ocpd. There is no concent asked if you are younger you will be pulled out of your car and it will be searched. If they do find something they will charge you with so many BS charges you have to go get a lawyer. They falsafy reports and lie under oath on stand.not even touching on the stack of sexual. harassment cases aginst the city borderline rape. and blackmail of teenage girls. Ocean city use to be. a great place to live but that is far from the case there are many other places to go spend your money and not be treated like a criminal for being under 35

  5. I have informed many parents, kids, on numerous occasions to stay out of Ocean City. The civil rights violations are atrocious and I have witnessed many judges to be callous to these abuses.

    If you are smart - you had better stay clear of that town. I know because I worked down there for 10 years and is as corrupt now as it was then.

  6. Beezer, I have to say if you behave you should have no problems and I too spent years working in OC as an LEO.

  7. Jack K Richards said...
    Beezer, I have to say if you behave you should have no problems and I too spent years working in OC as an LEO.

    July 15, 2012 9:42 PM

    Behave, as in do what you are told and don't ask questions?

    Sorry, coming from a LEO, does not mean much to me. Your group has proven time after time you cannot be trusted.

    Your word means little because there are so many instances of lying, lying under oath, lying on police reports, filing false police reports, assaulting people even when handcuffed, even shooting them while they were lying on a subway platform giving no resistance, etc,. I could go on forever.

    The old tired and bogus line you leo's like to say is, 'there's a bad apple in every occupation'.

    That is true, but there is more than a few bad apples in your occupation. It would seem the few good apples are the minority now.

    It doesn't matter to me if your one of the good apples or bad. I look at all of you with suspicion. And don't trust you as far as I could throw you.

    Have a nice day.

  8. Sorry but do not hold ocpd to the same respect as other officers. Not sure when you left the depth 942 but the dipino gang is out of control. Your behavior has no bearing on what happens to you in town. There is more money spent to get you in trouble and into the system that is spent on fun family things to do in town. Every year we need 20 news cops more guns teasers more dogs more money for sting operations and paying of settlements on lawsuits. Save you money and protect your children from these people. They can't spend 1 million a year because recycling. Is to expensive but the can afford to run. A taxi sting for 2 years and come up empty handed just a few locals they tried to screw over and they messed that up just saying.

  9. When was that Jack? You were a wanna be!

  10. Liberal ass cry babies. I am sick of the drunken kids pissing on the wall of my condo. The beer cans and bottles left all over. Talk about sexual harrassment try wlaking the boards at night if you are a women. Sorry guys the cops needs to be harder on drunken drugged out idiots. There are millions of visitors every year that keep coming back so it cant be all that bad for people who come to have a good time.

    As to those who come thinking they own the place go back to Pa or Baltimore pull the stupid crap there you pull here. I guarantee they will not do it. So many people think I am on vaction so I can do whatever I want. Well Beezer and those like you I live here and dont want herion and weed offered to me every time I walk down the boards. Sorry you dont like O.C. stay the hell out.

    O.C.P.D. keep locking them up. You have my families support. Beezer I suggest Maine or Vermont lots of liberals there you can cry to.

  11. Great job OCPD, keep locking up criminals. It's unfortunate police have to deal with being the most stereotyped group of people on the planet. Keep doing doing your job and don't listen to the negative, untrue BS.

  12. 11:05, you are probably right LOL
    I have heard rumblings concerning Dipino as chief and there may be some validity but unless you have been involved with OCPD over many years as I have, you would not be able to see how the agency has progressed Again I say, it is a shame that Law Enforcement must depend on the human race (which certainly is not infallible) from which to choose LEOs Would be great if there was source of perfect people from which to draw, but.......

  13. You call Beezer a liberal ass cry baby yet you whine about tourist when living in a tourist town? When you live in a spot that attracks tourist you never know what you are going to get. Hey lets all start pulling over old people in Fla just because they might cause an accident. I have never had a ticket or accident but I have witnessed the chip that some of the police have. Not to mention they NEVER follow through with things. We are still waiting to hear back from the police on an accident. We have left several messages and they never return calls.
    Sorry I lost all respect for the police when my sons jaw was fractured when someone sucker punched him. He didn't know the guy at all and had his back to him talking to someone else. We gave the police all the information we had. When we found out more information we also gave them to them. They did squat.

  14. Some of the more recent posts seem to have drifted away from the original point of entrapment tatics that have become standard practice in OC. The issue has to do with the treatment of people who haven't broken any laws that anyone is aware of. Everyone is a suspect until proven innocent. Once in a while, they get a hit on a computer check (which may be minor). I've seen one individual reaching into his pockets while the officer was reaching in yet another pocket. There were no handcuffs so there was presumably no crime uncovered. All this is being done in broad daylight without regards to rights. Just open your eyes and you will see it.

  15. The progress is OCPD overreach and blatant constitutional violations.

    They own the town with hypocrisy, lies and criminal activity.
    There are a lot of really demented people in law enforcement.
    The majority have small package syndrome and need the validity of the badge to compensate and beat the crap out of people when they feel like it.

  16. I am ultra conservative and live in Ocean City year round (25 years) and the OCPD is out of control. Chances are if you get pulled over you are getting searched. I see it multiple times EVERY day! Just how are they able to do all of these searches legally?

  17. You know the O.C. motto "come on vacation leave on probation".

  18. 7:17 AM

    You sound like some of these come heres that move next to a chicken house and then complain about the smell.

    You don't care about anyone's rights as long as it's not you being violated.

    Like the other guy said, it's a tourist town. Yet you complain about the tourists. lmao.

    The police and people like you are some of the reasons OC is a slime pit.

    With all that money the town brings in you would think they could afford some educated and intelligent people to run it efficiently and safely.

    I'm so sorry someone took a leak on the wall of your condo. Would you like to use my hose to rinse it off?

  19. 7:17
    You seem to be upset with the younger crowd. Maybe you should talk to the town and make sure none of the businesses are marketing for the younger crowd. Let's cancel the Dew tour. Close down all the surf shops. Bus in some retirees from Ocean Pines to wait/bus the tables. We will also have to close down most of the T-shirt shops as well. We will leave the t-shirt shops that were selling the drugs alone since they were not owned by younger people. Lets get rid of all the younger people. No more coming to OC for Spring break or after graduation. Heck lets even close down all the bars. If there are no bars open in OC they can't get drunk and pee on your property. Once this happens there will be no money to pay for everything the town pays for. Wait til you get that tax bill. You have to take the good with the bad. Not ALL tourist are bad but the police think they are. People are going to wise up. Either they will find another place to go or they will end up with a huge law suit. Maybe it's time you find another place that suits your needs. Somewhere Away from tourists

  20. Mass hystaria!!!! Back to reality, you have less than a 1% chance of being searched when pulled over . 1 out of every 100 traffic stops. Hardly a police state. In OC drugs and alcohol violations are everywhere and people make no attempt to hide. They think they can just get lost in the crowd.

  21. 1% in ocean city? This must be dopina or one of her thugs. That is a flat out LIE. Please keep y
    Trying to feed us that crap. As a local of more than 25 years we are all sick and tired of ocpd destroying this town and the harrasment locals revive. These cops have no honor courage or commitment to the people or the city. I had a group of younger girls under 21 come into my work last night after watching the cops approach them in the parking lot. They were told if you give us your numbers and meet up with us later we wont call the dogs. They didn't so the dog was called out and they tore the car apart cause they got turned down. This crap happens daily

  22. 1:06 1%....no way! Flat out wrong! Tell me what the percentage is if you are under age 30... I bet it is in the 50% plus range. Come to ocean city and see for yourself!

  23. 1% thats it and factual. Thousands of traffic stops every year, few searches.

  24. We are not talking about nationwide no one ever said anything except ocean city. Its insane how many ocpd must look at this site. No honest person that has lived in ocean city would say 1% of the traffic stops result in searches. That right there sums up ocean city.trying to tell us 1 in every 100 stops results in a search. Go pump that crap else where. Lets see we got pictures of 2 searches in 2 days so according to you math they made 198 other stops those 2 days and searched no one LMAO. I see atleast 10 a day in a 8 HR work shift.

  25. I have a question for you Joe. With your downtown plan do you have ideas how you plan to keep SPS from creating more headaches. With open containers and people moving from bar to bar they will be walking down the streets which will expose them to possibly be harrased for public intoxication. This might sound far fetch but the police look to exploit things like this for easy revenue without havinf to to into the parts of town they are needed. This is something you should think about because it will not take a lot for people to be turned away from the hassle. Anyone that dosent belive ocean city has not taken a black eyes over police actions. There will obvisouly need to be police presence bu to what do you think can be done to prevent this.

  26. anonymous 6:01, You'd have to see the layout for the Plaza when we'd move forward with open containers. Once you get in there's no getting out without the Police being right there.

    I doubt anyone is going to get out of the open container area with any drinks. Thanks for asking and you're more than welcome to stop in and I can show you how it will work. Its actually pretty cool.


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