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Monday, July 02, 2012

Thoughts On Obamacare From A Surgeon And Friend

Over the past six months, I have had the distinct pleasure to become acquainted with Dr. Dave Janda, orthopedic surgeon and the Director and founder of the Institute of Preventative Sports Medicine based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Shortly after recording my first radio interview with him, he sent me his book, The Awakening of a Surgeon, which has been featured on the Oprah Winfrey show. This book was a real eye opener for me since it demonstrated clearly how all of the corruption and unethical behavior I witness every day in the financial services sector is just as rampant in the healthcare industry. I don’t do things like this lightly, but I suggest everyone go out and read this book. It is well worth your time and will really enlighten people in finance that do not get healthcare and how truly screwed up the system really is.

I haven’t talked that much about Obamacare and I don’t plan to in the future. The main reason is that it is not my area of expertise and we already have enough blowhards out there spewing garbage on topics they know nothing about. That said, I do know that this bill was written by and for the insurance companies. The analysis I have done on it, from activists on both sides of the political spectrum makes this perfectly clear. Anyway, without further ado, here is what Dr. Dave Janda recently penned to his email list.



The Supreme Court has spoken….. it should have never come to this. Was i surprised…. yes and no. I have learned to NEVER trust the judicial system when it comes to common sense and the rule of law….. so a 5-4 decision didn’t surprise me. What did surprise me was a supposedly “strict Constitutionalist”, Roberts, decided to invent a legal argument that Obama’s lawyers did not and were not able to make during the hearing.

Both parties are to blame for this mess. In truth we have only one party, The Republicrats. I have been involved in health care reform since the late summer of 1988 when Ronald Reagan became aware of my work in Prevention and health care cost containment. An approach which Empowered patients by putting the decisions back in the hands of patients and their treating physicians and NOT government bureaucrats, HMO’s or insurance executives. The approach Reagan embraced, that I advocated, was also based on the implementation of Health Savings Accounts, which puts the finances back in the hands of the people as well as a focus on Wellness and Prevention.

As I have mentioned a number of times on my radio show, Reagan’s embrace of my approach was subsequently shunned by Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and of course Obama. If Romney becomes President…. it will also be shunned by him.

If what I have advocated, and Reagan embraced, is such a great plan why have these “giants of freedom” rejected the approach ? They reject the approach because they ALL are owned and operated by the insurance, HMO, pharmaceutical and international banking industries. This fact has been “conveyed” to me by a number of “advisors” in the past 4 administrations. With the exception of Reagan, health care reform has been about control and political contributions, it has NOT been about more affordable, more available or more quality oriented care. All you need to do to confirm this fact is to read Hillarycare, Obamacare and Romneycare…. it becomes very apparent.


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