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Monday, July 30, 2012

This Just In: Speed Trap

Speeding camera decoy setup again in front of salisbury school Hobbs Rd


  1. So...if you become Mayor, will you shut down the Salisbury City Speed cameras?

  2. anonymous 9:59, Let me try to explain this to you one more time to every one can understand. The Mayor is the ADMINISTRATIVE body and the Council is the LEGISLATIVE body.

    Barrie Tilghman and Jim Ireton have completely screwed up what the Mayors responsibility actually is by throwing constant fits on a regular basis because they didn't get their way.

    A speed camera is not an administrative function, it is legislative. The COUNCIL voted in the speed cameras and only the COUNCIL can take them away.

    Now, would I encourage some new legislation on speed cameras, absolutely. I do not feel they should be on 24/7 nor do I feel they are necessary after 7 PM and or on weekends.

    Will I throw a FIT if I can't get my way, absolutely not. I will always do/propose what I feel the citizens want. Yet it is up to the Council to say yes or no.

  3. Gold car camera in front of Pemberton Elementary

  4. The county is now utilizing another vehicle, an SUV, as a speed trap. I don't know if it's in addition to the other vehicles previously used or a replacement.

  5. Why do you all want to BREAK THE LAW so badly? Do the speed limit, and it's not an issue. ESPECIALLY in a SCHOOL ZONE. This isn't rocket science, people.

  6. they have a small white SUV, small black SUV, and a gold sedan they're using

  7. I for one do not like the color of the the speed cars.

  8. Silver sedan parked on the lawn beside the bus loop at Glen Avenue the past few days.

    This whole, sorry exercise is a sham and worthy of disparagement by citizens.

    Since safety for the kids is the shield city and county are hiding behind, let's have both legislative bodies man-up and dictate that ALL revenue raised be used exclusively to pay for existing and additional crossing guards during regular school hours! And that doesn't include paying cops from those funds to screen the tapes; pay them from regular funds.

    Don't hold your breath waiting.

    How soon before there are more of these mobile cash registers than mail boxes or pay phones?

  9. a whole lot of hype for nothing... How hard is it to just do the speed limit. Speed traps? Really? It's an open road, no bait being used people.

  10. 11:20, you are my newest hero.

  11. Years ago, the Washington Post interviewed a cop from Denton about him sitting near the 25 MPH section of town. He said, "If you ain't speeding, it ain't a trap." Amen. Drive the speed limit and don't worry about it.

  12. Lake street always a white sedan. Not today but usually 2 days week. Across from SMS

  13. @ 12:48

    Yup, that same cop would get you for 1 or 2 over too. Its the same way in Preston and Hurlock as well. Sorry to say but these small town cops have no crime to fight so they sit around all day running radar trying to generate some revenue.

  14. Yeah, that's right....let the speeders know where the traps are instead of punishing them for speeding and maybe KILLING someone in the process. If you've lost a relative due to an careless driver who is speeding I think you would agree with me. Just had to put in my two cents, have a good day....

  15. Police officers nor their departments make a dime off of any traffic tickets issued.

  16. @2:24 pm.....some might be trying to generate revenue. But just maybe some might be trying to save some lives, maybe even yours.

  17. if police are doing it to save lives and cut down on wreckless driving then why don't they also go the speed limit and while they are at it get off their cell phones too.....oh wait...thats right..they are above the law. never mind.

  18. @ 3:32 Source?

    @ 3:40, sure someone going a few miles over the limit might be a danger but if cops really want to crack down on dangerous drivers maybe they should start targeting the senior citizens who cant see 10ft in front of their cars, drive at half of the legal speed limit, and of trouble backing out of a parking spot without hitting something.

  19. 3:40

    Up you're pal.

    If you hurt someone or or damage property you pay a price.

    Statutory Law in un-American. Period.

    We were founded on common law.

    The government serves us, not the other way around

  20. 4:07 PM - As a senior citizen, I take offense at your statement. I have 20/20 vision and can see in front, as well as in back of my vehicle. I have never backed into anything out of a parking space. Also, I can parallel park with the best of them.
    You are probably one of the drivers I see on a daily basis who doesn't stop for a STOP sign, or runs a red light. You also probably pass on a double line to arrive at the same traffic signal at the same time I do. Courtesy was taught by our driver's ed teacher, as well as by
    our parents

  21. "Don't break the law..."??? Coming from a COP? You thugs break more laws in ONE DAY than the average citizen does in a year. How many cops were photgraphed in Fruitland's speed trap, doing 58 in a 25 on the way to the grocery store or taking their kids to school? Wearing a golfing shirt and calling their wife (or their girlfreind that their wife doesn't know about)? but, of course, setting an example was a thing that cops USED to do. Integrity. Restraint. SERVICE. Now they specialize in lecturing the serfs, raising revenue, and when things get a little slow, beating, raping, murdering, and on the side, just for fun, selling drugs. So quit with the "don't break the law" crap. Sounds exactly what it is --- self righteous and self serving drivel.

  22. Courtesy was taught by our driver's ed teacher, as well as by
    our parents

    July 30, 2012 8:37 PM

    Key word being 'was'.

  23. @ 8:37 I know you're full of it because senior citizens don't know how to use the internet, or drive. Nice Try though.

  24. @ 8:37 I know you're full of it because senior citizens don't know how to use the internet, or drive. Nice Try though.

    July 31, 2012 12:20 PM

    Wow stereotype much?

    I guess I'm not supposed to be on here. I'm not supposed to know how to use the internet.

  25. @ 1:45 Stereotypes save lives. I've seen more accidents caused by seniors in 1 year then I ever did during high school. I respect my elders but you all are killers behind the wheel.


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