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Sunday, July 08, 2012

This Just In From Mayor Jim Ireton

Dear Joseph ,

Thanks for signing my petition, "Pass Mayor Ireton's Downtown Salisbury Revitalization Plan."

Winning this campaign is now in your hands. We need to reach out to as many friends as we can to grow this campaign and win.

Thanks for your support,


Ladies & Gentlemen, do you realize what this now proves. It PROVES Jim Ireton's people can hijack ANY one of your Facebook pages and make it look like YOU support him. Yeah, leave it to the liberals to hijack your identity, the Press to put it out there that things are going really well. The entire campaign is a farce. What's next Jimmy, handcuffs?


  1. I thought they just made a new one. WTH they really hacked yours? You need to cancel it now.

  2. You gotta give Ireton some credit here; he resurrected George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

  3. Yep....handcuffs - pink furry ones...oh, and a ball gag. but it's whatever.

  4. I am ashamed of the being in a town and a state and even country that will let this happen. Yes we have much bigger things to try to fix and control but Ireton is a roach and one leads to an infestation that lives and created more garbage. What can be done by the regular people other than voting him out when the time comes? We as a city have to much to lose to corruption and his temper tantrums that have no meaning Help we are being smothered

  5. I remember King White from my days at Bennett HS -- what a loser.

  6. It's kind of funny

  7. Isn't that against the law? Seriously, if he and his friends can do this can't charges be brought up against him/them?

  8. Another reason not to have FB....

  9. They are really desperate , to see the mayor slipping away.
    They lack of shrinks in Salisbury must be a major problem.
    The democrats politics have gone way too far in this arena.

  10. Jim is a not a very good idea for a leader in Salisbury...he is a GREAT idea for a cartoon character!

  11. This is not breaking any laws. Anybody can create a petition. It's what the local government permits him to do with the petition that counts. It could be no more than some immature people believing that good fortune will bestow Jim is more people "like him" on Facebook. Get real!

  12. 8:22 AM...Yes, you are right when you state that "Anybody can create a petition." What is NOT right are Jim's motives.
    I, and many others, agree that this is a farce and that a ton of hilarious cartoons can be generated from Jim's humorous & childish actions of late.
    Like I said before, Jim possesses the "character" to be a Salisbury cartoon character...NOT the "character" to be a Salisbury Mayor.

  13. The hole is getting deeper Albero. hahahaha

  14. What this really proves that Ireton and his cronies have nothing better to do in a city that seems to be coming apart at the seams.

    They spend too much time on petitions at a wim, spoofing phone calls and creating bogus facebook accounts instead of doing anything productive for the city.

  15. Put the clown face on him again,I love that.

  16. I remember King White from my days at Bennett HS -- what a loser.

    July 8, 2012 10:48 PM

    Everybody was a loser in HS, even YOU.


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