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Friday, July 20, 2012

The Biggest Threat To The Right Is The Right

The DNC has just released an ad composed of Republicans joining the chorus of those demanding Romney release his tax returns.

“More and more Republicans agree that Mitt Romney has not released more tax returns because he has something to hide,” the ad says. It then features video clips of prominent commentators from the right criticizing Romney’s decision.

It's a smart move to give cover to the Democrat demands and agree that your candidate comply with a non-existent mandate to satisfy Team Obama's class warfare argument.

“The cost of not releasing the returns are clear. Therefore, he must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them,” says George Will, in a clip from Sunday’s “This Week” on ABC.

With all due respect to George Will, with whom I've often appeared on ABC's "This Week," I disagree. Will assumes there's validity in the Obama campaign's presupposition that Romney must be hiding something for not acquiescing to their demands.. The higher cost in folding to a demand crafted in the war room of the DNC and nurtured by the media is simple: it shows America how easy you'll capitulate.


1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, Mitt. Don't release another thing until BHO release ALL his records.
    Where was any big fishing expedition on Barry in '08????


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