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Sunday, July 01, 2012

The Texas Lottery Is Racist — According to the NAACP

For what may be the first time that we’ve seen, one liberal organization’s paternalism has clashed with the obsessive desire of many on the Left to see as much money as possible get sent to the government. Their argument for this particular puritanical outing, sadly, is unlikely to surprise anyone with even a basic understanding of what George W. Bush called the “soft bigotry of low expectations.”

The Dallas, Texas, chapter of the NAACP has something of a problem – they don’t particularly like the Texas lottery. Why? Because they think it’s a regressive institution that offers a minuscule chance of financial success in exchange for taking gigantic amounts of money from “vulnerable populations” every year. Presumably, they would rather that Texas make up the revenue it gets through the lottery with higher taxes on the rich. KDAF-TV has the details:

It is always a thrill when a Lotto ticket is printed and you dream of what you are going to buy with the millions of dollars.  But Juanita Wallace, the president of the NAACP Dallas Chapter, said those who do the most dreaming in Texas were also the most vulnerable.



  1. I'll bet that they think my big toe is racist as well! The reason there is no such thing as the NAAWP is that we tell the truth and inherently try to settle our differences and get along with others!

  2. That can be said about any lottery. Is it my fault I won't spend money on the lottery because I see it as just another tax?

    People that want something for nothing are suckers for the lottery. I never met a gambler that would admit they pay in more than they win. I very, very, very small percentage do get lucky.

  3. With every passing day this organization continues to make itself even less relevant than before.

    I'm just trying to comprehend what idiocy that entire org is. From the top on down to the local county levels idiocy and their own racism abounds.

  4. They would never challenge their political friends here in Maryland like that.

  5. Sabre rattling.Empty promises.Too much attention has been given to too many other issues worldwide.They are rapidly running out of resources and therefore attempting to ignite a battle that will re capture the old glory.Maybe the lottery is a good place to start.That's where they all invest their hard earned money.

  6. Food Stamp programs are ok though.More NAACP people on them.They have no problem there.

  7. So are they saying the people that the NAACP represent are stupid and can't be responsible with their money? Next they will say if someone wins the lottery it's not fair for them to have to pay taxes on it.

  8. Everything is racist according to the naacp.

  9. Mike Wallace : "But how can we end racism ?"

    Morgan Freeman : "Stop talking about it"

  10. I guess Newport cigarettes and Hennessey are racist also.


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