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Monday, July 16, 2012

Syria Thought to Be Moving Chemical Weapons

The United States believes Syria has moved "some" chemical weapons in recent days, a U.S. official said.

The stockpile is believed to be is under the control of regime forces, the source said.

The official, who would only speak anonymously because the source was speaking about intelligence matters, said the reason behind the movement is unclear. The source could not say what types of chemical stockpiles were involved or how much was moved.



  1. The weapons were smuggled out of Iraq in 2006 to Syria, the WMDs that every liberal says did not exist. So when they are used and have Made in Iraq on the casings wonder if any of the progressive liberal Dems will be ashamed. What's a few hundred thousand dead if it meant you could denigrate Bush, right libs?

  2. You're exactly right.

  3. 8:04

    I'm not kidding when I tell you this . . . But the weapons will have written: made in the U.S.A.

    Dick and Rummy have the receipts to prove it !

  4. Sure they do 8:34. I hope you find out the hard way how wrong you are.

  5. Shipped out my ass. They were never there. And the few derelict ones they did find were the ones WE gave him.

    They were on tv telling us they knew exactly where they were and showed us pictures of the spots they were 'located'.

    When we get there, poof, nothing.

  6. We found tons of chemical weapons in Iraq. Even though they're classified as WMDs, don't tell the democrats that, they'll never believe you.

  7. ANON: 8:04PM

    Sure they were...sure they were.


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