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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts: Maryland Can Resume DNA Collection

WASHINGTON (AP) — Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is allowing police in Maryland to resume collecting DNA samples from people arrested for serious crimes.
Roberts on Wednesday issued an order that temporarily blocked a Maryland court ruling that effectively barred the collection of genetic material from criminal suspects without a warrant. The order was issued at the state’s request in the case of Alonzo King Jr.


  1. CHARGED, but not GUILTY of anything...AFTER conviction, get all you want. BEFORE conviction, it's just another step towards totalitarianism. Tantamount to self incrimination by force. The TRUE nature of this program is to collect as many DNA samples as they can and now the door has been opened (again). Just how long (a question directed at all you Nazi wanna-be's) will it be before you are REQUIRED to give a DNA sample at at traffic stop?? You let them set up Nazi "checkpoints", allowing hundreds of INNOCENT citizens at a time to be stopped and questioned by ARMED agents of the governemnt in order to see IF there was a crime being committed. Now look. TSA has roving "checkpoints" all over the country. And THEIR weaponry can stop a tank. Whats next? DNA samples in order to register your child for school? Thomas Jefferson would shoot HIMSELF in the head if he saw what power we have (gladly) given our "leaders". SEIG HEIL!!!

  2. hardly clown......

  3. hardly clown......

    July 19, 2012 12:02 PM

    That's the best answer you could come up with? Bozo?

  4. Yep. THTA'S the best he's got. The facts can't be disputed, so "clown" is the best retort avaialble....plus, his vocabulary is likely VERY limited...


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