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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sending Jobs Overseas? The Truth About the Obama/Romney Controversy

During The O’Reilly Factor’s Talking Points Memo, host Bill O’Reilly revealed the truth behind the president’s claims that Mitt Romney outsourced jobs during his tenure at Bain Capital. O’Reilly reported, “According to analysis by FactCheck.org, Bain Capital under Romney did invest in companies that did outsource. But that’s not unusual — so did the Obama administration.”

“How can President Obama attack Romney for outsourcing when he did the exact same thing?” wondered O’Reilly, who added that, “The Obama administration has continued to make billions of taxpayer dollars available to the General Electric corporation, mostly through loans but there were some grants for green energy projects. GE employs about 300,000 people. Fewer than half – 131,000 — are working in the USA. Let me repeat, less than half of GE’s workforce are employed in America.”

To add to O’Reilly’s argument, according to The New York Times, GE paid zero federal income tax in 2010. Nevertheless, President Obama continues to praise GE’s CEO Jeffrey Immelt. In a speech, the president championed GE, saying, “I am so proud and pleased that Jeff has agreed to chair this panel — my council on jobs and competitiveness — because we think GE has something to teach businesses all across America.”



  1. We all know (or hopefully know) these attack ads from both sides are bogus. Whats funny is that you have the right running to factcheck for defense when every other time they want to say factcheck is wrong or biased.

  2. Becoming the President now entails calling each other names, now I wonder why we can't get anything accomplished in this country.

  3. And, 70% of all GM vehicles manufactured are in other countries. GM still owes us taxpayers 25 billion bucks.

  4. 2:42. "calling each other names"???
    Romney's not calling Obama names. It's the other way around. Why? Because he has no other way to try to win. What is he winning? A new communist society.

  5. 1:39

    The attack are not bogus.

    Everything the Dems say about Romney is true.

    Everything the Repubs say about Soetoro is also true.

    Both sides are corrupt totally. It is no longer acceptable or respectable to vote for the lesser of two evils. That is stupid. I encourage everyone to stop doing it. Insist on a real viable Person to represent yourself. Refuse to participate in their rigged game.


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