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Thursday, July 05, 2012

Scary Thought

In Case You Don't Like Mitt Romney...

Columnist Andrew McCarthy gives us what probably is the most important question regarding the upcoming presidential election …

If Mitt wins the nomination, as seems very likely, I will enthusiastically support his candidacy. For my friends who may have hesitation on that score, I'd just ask you to keep four things in mind:

1.. Justice Scalia just turned 78
2.. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this year
3.. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August
4.. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week ago.

Whoever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court — in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come.

If you don't think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama, I think you're smoking something funky….

So for anybody who is thinking of not voting because your favorite didn't get nominated, or writing in a candidate who can't win ... just imagine this possibility:

Did that get your attention?


  1. I'm voting. For Obama. Thanks for the insightful information.

  2. We can only hope for change.I'll do my hoping at the polls.

  3. Mitt is a very poor campaigner. I dunno how were are going to win with this guy.

  4. I am curious as to why you added to their age.
    Justice Scalia just turned 78 (DOB: 11 March, 1936). – Scalia is 76)
    2.. Justice Kennedy will turn 78 later this yea (DOB: 23 July, 1936). Kennedy is 76)
    3.. Justice Breyer will be 76 in August(DOB: 14 August 1938). Breyer is 74)
    4.. Justice Ginsburg turned 81 about a week (DOB: 15 March, 1933 Ginsburg is 79)

    Chief Justice John Glover Roberts, Jr. (DOB: 27 January, 1955). He is 58
    Justice Clarence Thomas (DOB: 23 June, 1948). He is 65
    Justice Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr. (DOB: 1 April, 1950). He is 63
    Justice Sonia Sotomayor (DOB: 25 June, 1954). She is 59
    Justice Elena Kagan is 50 (DOB: 28 April, 1960). she is 53

    I agree that some will probably retire in the next 4 years and that gives me another reason to vote against Obama. But I do not understand why it is necessary to add years to their age.

  5. "If Mitt wins the nomination, as seems very likely,"

    Says who? There are just as many Obama supporters as there are haters. Romney is an airhead.

  6. I would much rather have an Airhead running our Country than a Dingbat.

  7. I'm voting for the same candidate as I did in the primary elections, because he knows the right things to do. This time around it's Obomney against Run Paul.

    Anyone here ever hear of "Romneycare"? My point exactly. They are one in the same politicians. I refuse to vote for Obomney. Trouble is, Obomney gets to run two candidates against one.

  8. Gov Romney vetoed 8 portions of "Romneycare" which were all eventually overridden by the democratically dominated state legislature.
    There are still significant diffences between the 2-one being that Romneycare was designed with MA's budget specifically in mind, where as Obamacare is a one size fits all with no consideration of individual states' budgets or even state's residents needs.

  9. Romneycare was enacted AFTER Gov Romney balanced the state's budget. Romney knew he had to and knew how to. get that 'elephant' out of the room first and foremost.

  10. Romney's also had a fallback in his Romneycare. If it failed then the federal government would take care of it.

    So much for smaller government. As for balancing the budget. He did that in his last year. He did it by raising fees (taxes). However, he left with a $1 billion deficit.


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