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Friday, July 20, 2012

Salisbury Police

Sample Only
Hi Joe,

Just wanted to share with you. My Mother call me upset wanting to know where the City finance department was located. I asked what was wrong. She told me that the Salisbury police had given her a ticket for parking in a Handicap zone. It would be understandable if she did not have Handicap tags, but she does. Her license plate number was written on the ticket, so the officer had to physically look at her plate. This is rediculous!


  1. lol maybe the blind cop thought she would forget she was handicapped?

  2. Wow. It is a $500 fine to park in a fire or handicapped zone BUT if you are handicapped NO TICKET is given. That goes for expired meters as well.

    Shame on them.

  3. To the many people commenting saying the tags are expired, these are NOT the actual tags. The Post says, "Sample Only".

  4. To the many people commenting saying the tags are expired, these are NOT the actual tags. The Post says, "Sample Only".

    July 20, 2012 10:22 AM

    They in too much of a hurry to correct someone or call them stupid Joe.

    They can't be bothered by actually reading the post.

  5. If she didn't have her placard hanging in the vehicle than it is a legit reason to give the ticket. Just saying...not trying to start a war on here.

  6. Don't be fooled on the handicapped being able to park at meters for free. It is free but there is also a limit on the amount of time just like for people that pay. The limit is double what is posted on the meter. So be careful. It is not unlimited.

  7. Looks like the Meter Maid or the Police Officer was absent from class the day they taught symbol reading. Another example of you only get what you pay for as far as performance goes. Blame Ireton, he did it !!!!!

  8. Taken from the MVA website

    Displaying the Placard and Plates

    Placards must be hung on the inside rearview mirror. If the vehicle does not have an inside mirror, or the inside mirror is not visible from the rear, you may display the placard on top of the dashboard on the driver’s side. Please make sure the placard side displayed shows the expiration date of the disability placard.

    Note: You must remove all hanging placards from the rearview mirror while your vehicle is in motion.

    You must always have your copy of the medical certification in your possession whenever you use the placard or plates. This certification must be presented to law enforcement upon request.

  9. This is no excuse but the HC Bay tag is tough to read...easy to miss the HC symbol.

    However, the person writing the ticket should have been able to see it...

  10. Somebody needed to drink more water.

  11. It is almost the end of the month. Seen Joe busted them on the Opportunity Shop ticket writing they have to do something.

  12. What is this world coming too?

  13. i know several people (relatives included) that think being fat is a handicap. these are the people that NEED to park on the other side of the parking lot! quit being lazy people!

  14. If you can't physically place the placard on your rearview mirror, as required by law, then you should not be able to drive.

  15. 12:07 PM

    Yet another doctor. Got news for ya bub, being 'fat' is a handicap.

    Go back to med school. And learn some manners as well.

    And no, I'm not 'fat'.

  16. Do they have to display the hang tag if they have permanent plates? I thought the hang tags were for temporary handicaps. If somebody has permanent plates for a permanent disability, I think it is dumb to require them to have an inside tag or to fine them for not displaying it.

  17. I can't believe that they enforce this , I've been parking in handicap places for 10 years without anything.
    They don't enforce the fire lane either.
    In Maryland it is not $500.00
    In Del. it is.
    Do me a favor and watch all handicap places at Sams or Walmart some day. You will LOL. Maybe 1 in every 50 deserve these tags or cards.

  18. Mostly fat people with these tags or cards .

  19. Sorry 1:00.
    Fat is not a handicap.
    It is a lifestyle. A choice.

  20. Did the deputy get a ticket last week. Did he get anything. My guess is he did not. Mike Lewis has changed in a bad way.

    Wow how fast we forget the promises and where we came from. Kick guys who have been loyal to the man since he was elected. Wow.

  21. My motorcycle doesn't have an inside rear view mirror, and I'm constantly getting tickets. When I hang the tag on the outside mirror, they're always getting lifted when I'm in the store!

  22. Fat is not a handicap.
    It is a lifestyle. A choice.

    July 20, 2012 4:20 PM

    You gotta be young. Most reasonable people know better.

  23. Rev. James P. BaileyJuly 21, 2012 at 12:16 PM

    A high school diploma does not signify the well-rounded education that it once did. Thus, I recommend that all police officiers be required to take an intelligence test as well as a general visual awareness test. It is not acceptable to only see what you want to see.


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