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Saturday, July 07, 2012

Salisbury News Has An Outstanding Friday

When the final numbers came in this morning referencing Friday's traffic I couldn't believe it. Friday's always start off with a bang but once we hit about 3:00 or so things start to really die down. That was not the case at all yesterday. In fact, we enjoyed the best Friday Salisbury News has ever seen.

So what made Friday so special. To me, the idea that people are truly interested in what Mayor Ireton and his Staff are doing seems to be the hot point. We're seeing unusual and new traffic because the voters now have an option. They have a place in which they can go to see what the current Mayor is up to and what the new Mayor can do. (LOL)

To all those petitioners out there with their left wing agenda, do tell everyone the TRUTH behind Mayor Ireton's proposal. Tell everyone WHY the Council majority turned it down. They turned it down because the Mayor wants to sell ALL of the parking lots and create subsidized housing projects, (inner city projects).

Look, the Council wants to build bike paths from SU to Downtown. What's there to do when they get there????? The answer, NOTHING. A Mayor can't take 30 year old plans that many other Council members threw in the trash because they knew it wouldn't work and come out fresh saying if it was good enough 30 years ago it should be even better today. NO JIM, that's crap.

The Downtown needs to be well planned. Just because Ireton heard I was going to run, because Ireton knew I had a great Downtown plan, (much better than his will ever be) he came out with this instant, (out of nowhere) plan. He knew it would get thrown in the trash so now he wants all this attention with a petition drive that has no substance. Little puppets are following their leader, (not many of them and most of them out of state) to the land of nowhere. What will you provide once they come Downtown Jimmy? NOTHING!

People are coming to Salisbury news because they know I've got the goods. I have a plan that will revitalize the Downtown with FREE PARKING everywhere and not at the taxpayers expense. My plan is inviting and doesn't even think of moving people from the west side into Downtown. I say, IF a developer wants land on the west side, buy it without the City's help. We have more than enough to fix and work on right now. The African American neighborhoods should be on high alert and run away from this Mayor just as fast as they can.

Yeah, Joe Albero is a scary name to a LOT of people in Salisbury. I tell it like it is, I do not lie and my only interests are actually where they should be, protecting the very taxpayers that hire me. Go figure, that's a new concept, isn't it.

"This is not Joe Albero's election to lose, it's the citizens election to lose"

Thanks for visiting Ladies & Gentlemen.

UPDATE: At 12:30 PM today we have already surpassed a normal Saturday, (for the entire day)!


  1. It is so clear to me who needs to be our next mayor.

  2. then maybe someone will step up and replace rick pollitte for us county tax payers. maybe the other joe is reading this!

  3. I don't see any developers, downtown business people or real estate people standing behind Ireton on this issue.

    I still don't understand how Ireton and Mitchell can use the taxpayer's city website to spew personal political agenda's.

    If we start a petition of no confidence in this mayor Ireton, can the taxpayers also post our petition on OUR website? Fight fire, with fire.

  4. I heard from an MDE employee, that they aren't even allowed on the property at the WWTP? Is there any truth to this Joe?

  5. you can easily see with that condo on the west side, progress came to a halt, now an eyesore. you have to be blind to not understand that is what this mayor's downtown project is all about, relocating the folks on the west side of the river.

    some support ireton because all they know about him is that he is an obama supporter and they fail to look at what he really wants locally, is their neighborhoods. shannie should be all over this

    brew river proved many years ago money can be made on w.main and fritzwater, however if they want to develop further, first they must relocate all of the occupants to give those properties more value

    That was the concept in baltimore's inner harbor project, they relocated all the people north west to the john hopkins area

  6. Anonymous said...

    That was the concept in baltimore's inner harbor project, they relocated all the people north west to the john hopkins area

    July 7, 2012 1:22 PM

    Maybe we can relocate all of ours to the john hopkins area also.

  7. You are such a joke, Joe! You will not only never get enough votes as Mayor...you'll be lucky not to end up in jail with all the investigations going on about you!!

  8. Should we be concerned that the tv station announced that Ireton had over 300 signatures on his petition.

  9. What the down town area definitely does not need is housing, especially "affordable housing," especially SECTION 8 housing.

    The major problem with the city of Salisbury now is Section 8 housing and rental properties. Jim Ireton is not the same person I cast my vote for.

  10. Can you describe your Downtown revitalization plan? I haven't been able to find it.

  11. Joe you are not getting many comments because the title is misleading. There is more info you posted than what a big day the blog was. Change the title and move it to the top.

  12. Which TV station announced the Ireton- Mitchell petition has over 300 signatures?

  13. You are such a joke, Joe! You will not only never get enough votes as Mayor...you'll be lucky not to end up in jail with all the investigations going on about you!!

    July 7, 2012 2:55 PM

    No one, in this country, can be placed in jail for a mere investigation. Or, at least, not yet.

    First there has to be a crime, then there needs to be a conviction of said crime.

    War-Wic really needs to start teaching these wanna be cops a little better.

    You seem to need a course in rules of procedure. And then, go find a church and get a class on morally. You seem to be lacking in both areas.

  14. "Anonymous said...
    You are such a joke, Joe! You will not only never get enough votes as Mayor...you'll be lucky not to end up in jail with all the investigations going on about you!!

    July 7, 2012 2:55 PM"

    Who is doing these supposed investigations 2:55?
    If this is true we have LE agencies wasting precious resources and valuable time when the fact stands that crime is rampant and there are many unsolved crimes then something is seriously wrong with those condoning and doing these investigations. SERIOUSLY WRONG!
    If this is true then it speaks volumes of the ineptness of local LE who should be spending their time and our money investigating illegal guns on the streets, the crack/heroin/prescpiption pill problem.

  15. Forget the bike paths. Fix the streets!


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