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Friday, July 13, 2012

Romney Demands Apology For Obama Campaign's 'Felon' Lie

This morning, the Obama team, springboarding from mainstream media coverage it had likely astroturfed, said that Mitt Romney was either a “felon” or a liar. Its mainstream media lackeys quickly played it up. And this morning, the Obama team was completely debunked by members of its own media, who were shamed into telling the truth by an enraged New Media. Now, the Romney campaign is calling for an apology from the Obama campaign and a retraction from the Boston Globe.

“President Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign,” said Matt Rhoades, Campaign Manager of Romney For President. “President Obama ought to apologize for the out-of-control behavior of his staff, which demeans the office he holds.  Campaigns are supposed to be hard fought, but statements like those made by Stephanie Cutter belittle the process and the candidate on whose behalf she works.” 



  1. Sheriff Joe has the true felon in his laser scope...this is all just an attempt to be able to head off next week's narrative and say...Romney is a felon too...like Bush ran a fast and furious too...
    like Bush ruined the economy

    these people cannot and will not take responsibility for a thing

  2. This is truly disturbing. While I have no doubt Romney's people will continue to debunk outright lies NObama's campaign goonies tell I worry about the folks who vote but are uninformed about the issues.

    And I wish we would start calling our America what it is - a Republic. It is NOT a democracy.

  3. How is the Obama campaign calling anyone a felon or liar without including our President in the convo?

  4. And I wish we would start calling our America what it is - a Republic. It is NOT a democracy.

    July 13, 2012 4:53 PM

    Yes, it is.


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