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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Republicans Back Clinton Welfare Rule

The White House rejected charges Wednesday that President Obama is trying to gut work requirements in the landmark 1996 welfare reform law, and accused Republicans, including presidential candidate Mitt Romney, of “flip-flopping” on the need to give states flexibility in implementing the law.
“This administration in no way supports any effort to undermine the work requirements that were fundamental to the welfare reform act signed into law by President Bill Clinton,” said White House press secretary Jay Carney. “Those requirements are fundamental to the gains made in the past 15 years in moving people from welfare to work.”


  1. lol, only during election season do you see partisans run from ideals they once supported (limited federal oversight for the sake of more state autonomy) for the opportunity to score political points

  2. They need to re-enforce the clinton's welfare reform act and add no cellphone, no mutliple fatherless children, food stamps for food only, drug testing, ..lets get some real reform..but as we know at this time guess who would loose some votes..


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