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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Rep. Harris Supports Repealing The President’s Job-Destroying Health Care Bill

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Andy Harris, a physician, voted in support of H.R. 6079

“The Repeal of Obamacare Act” to again attempt to repeal the President’s inherently flawed health care law. The President’s health care law is a middle class tax hike in the midst of the longest period of sustained high unemployment since the Great Depression.

“Repealing the President’s job-destroying health care law will provide the middle class and small business owners much needed tax relief,” said Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. “The burden placed on small business owners and the middle class by this unpopular law is stifling economic growth in our already weak economy. We should be doing everything we can to avoid increasing taxes on the middle class, and to help small business owners grow the economy and create jobs. Repealing the President’s flawed health care bill does just that.”

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