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Friday, July 20, 2012

Racial Profiling Trial Begins for Ariz. Sheriff

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio's anti-illegal immigration patrols took center stage Thursday in federal court as a group of Latinos set out to prove that his deputies racially profiled them as part of a systemic policy of discrimination.

A lawyer for the plaintiffs who filed a civil lawsuit against Arpaio's department said in opening statements that the evidence will show that Arpaio and his deputies discriminated against Hispanics.

"It's our view that the problem starts at the top," attorney Stan Young said.



  1. They should be asked for their papers before they enter the courtroom.

  2. How come it's called profiling in these cases and not simply using common sense? If Latinos/Hispanics are the PROBLEM (not too many illegal CANADIANS...) then check for Latinos/Hispanics. It's that simple.

    I got pulled over for speeding and had to show my registration. Didn't have it (long story). This cost me a fine and a suspension of my license(for not paying the fine in a timely manner). So how come tax paying citizens can be "profiled" and punished but the illegals CAN'T? Sounds like some racist *ish to me!

    Everyone shows their "papers" in varying degrees to do everything from writing checks to getting a job, it's really not that large of a request unless you have something to HIDE.

  3. Nothing but a DOJ head hunt. Retribution for being an American about illegals.

  4. The problem does start at the top, with the Justice Dept. If they enforced our laws instead of picking and choosing in order of political correctness which to enforce we would be actually helping our police do their jobs. VOTE OBAMA OUT!!!


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