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Friday, July 20, 2012

Poor Thieves Go To Jail, Rich Thieves Don't


  1. Guess Bernie Madoff has been set free? Or does this have to do with someone trying to justify a wrong by being judge and jury on false assumptions.

  2. Madoff wasn't a banker. He was a 'investor' who was illegally running what amounted to nothing more than a Ponzi scheme.

  3. wall street protestors: arrested for being stupid and breaking the law.

    wall street bankers: not jailed for playing within the rules congress created (and participated in).

    makes sense to me.

  4. 11:56 - So that knocks him out of the "rich thieves" class that the headline says don't go to jail? Duh - what?

  5. How about the largest out there-the mortgage scandal,MF Global?

  6. Barney Frank (and the dems who refused to heed Pres Geo Bush's warning) hands are all over the US's financial crisis.
    He said "These 2 entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are NOT facing any kind of financial crisis."

    That's what he said and the rest of the democratic robots nodded their heads in agreement. Pres Bush and Sen McCain saw the handwriting on the wall and wanted a congressional inquiry but dems said no.

  7. SO! What's wrong with that?


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