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Monday, July 30, 2012

Police Brutality Worse Than Rodney King

WARNING: This video had curse words and is violent.


  1. The "authoritarians" actually charged this guy with Felony assault on a police officer using his face to break the officer's hand.
    Read that again.
    The police characterization of the whole situation is so far from the truth it is sickening.
    I certainly hope this guy gets his revenge.
    The FOP and troopers associations nationwide must be stopped.

  2. I don't know about stopped, but it would be nice if they would step up and condemn excessive use of force when warranted. It seems Anaheim and Oakland CA both have a long history of this type of behavior.

  3. First of all, Pa State Police always has had a reputation for being a bit aggressive and as a former LEO, I in no way condone the actions of those officers. However the entire incident may have never occured had he pulled over when he saw the lights sirens, etc. as any of us would have done. Cannot believe that he just continued to drive away. Would like to know the entire story.

  4. It's not right when cops fight back or use force. They should set an example and just turn the other cheek.
    John Q Public could be just having a bad day and is venting and should be cuddled no stuuck.

  5. Jack, no one trusts police.
    Except police.

  6. You boot licking Nazi thugs and thug defenders....THIS happened because he didn't pull over? Are you for real?? The police, without question, falsified police reports, withheld evidence, and used, to put it mildly, excessive force. For NOT PULLING OVER?? If any of you think this is the FIRST time these (so-called) officers did something like this, you can wake up now. JUMPING with both feet on top of a suspect doesn't subdue him? REAL tough guys. And he "viciously" fought them while in handcuffs and feet shackled? You BELIEVE THAT?! I think my sister could have beat that boy's ass by herself, but it took five cops, multiple tasers and nightsticks to "subdue" him? And even the hospital staff was terrified of these Gestapo agents (apologies to the Gestapo). They've probably seen this lots of times before and knew they could be killed at any time at a "seat belt" stop. It is sickening. And Jack, please define "a bit aggressive", will ya?. Thats like calling Hurricane Katrina a summer squall. And tell us how that works, you know, from a cops point of view. A BIT aggressive? And tell us please, what no cop --- ZERO-- and especially none of these goons can --- what did YOU do when you saw another cop viciously beat some in total restraints? Other than help kick and punch, that is, or take a few more shots at someone with the Taser? How can anyone be in handcuffs and ankle restraints, "try to escape" (LOL!) and not be merely pushed to the ground? Oh no. Whats the fun in that? FIVE sissy ass cops were Tis absolutely NO DEFENSE the police (or their stomach-turning apologists) can present for this mans' condition and treatment. NONE. If that was my child, I would transfer my property and assets to my family and begin a campaign of retribution that would make world news. WORLD news. Cops would be afraid to even wear their UNIFORM outside for WEEKS. Tough guys only when its 5-10 against one and the one is shackled, handcuffed and hogtied (and beaten bloody). If a citizen displayed that kind of violence against an UNARMED and docile person, he would be in prison for decades. The POLICE just go back to work and tell everyone what a tough job they have.... notice I sign my name....

  7. The police don't even trust the police anymore

  8. What would happen had this been a black guy?

  9. Would like to know the entire story.

    July 30, 2012 2:40 PM

    Watch the video. Then do internet search. It's not that hard.

  10. However the entire incident may have never occured had he pulled over when he saw the lights sirens, etc. as any of us would have done. Cannot believe that he just continued to drive away. Would like to know the entire story.

    July 30, 2012 2:40 PM

    So it's HIS FAULT he got his ass handed to him?

    You seem to be okay with that. So when it happens to you, you won't say a word right?

    I know, I know. It won't happen to you because you will always pull over.

    lmclain said...
    If that was my child, I would transfer my property and assets to my family and begin a campaign of retribution that would make world news. WORLD news. Cops would be afraid to even wear their UNIFORM outside for WEEKS

    I'm glad you said that. Now I don't feel like the only one now.

  11. Wow, took Imclain longer than I thought to come out of his hole foaming at the mouth over this one... lol

    Not defending these pigs' actions as they clearly walked all over the law on this one. Still would like to point out that there are over 800,000 police officers country wide. Unfortunately thousands of those are rotten POS's yet are still the minority.

  12. Unfortunately thousands of those are rotten POS's yet are still the minority.

    July 30, 2012 11:17 PM

    When it happens to you it won't matter if it's the 'minorities' boot on your throat.

    This 'bad apple' clause, and it does seem like a clause in a contract, should have been corrected by now don't you think?

    If EVERYONE knows they exist, why are they not removed from that occupation?

    And if you say the ones that get fired are replaced by new hires, that would suggest, to me anyway, that something is wrong and lacking in the screening process of applicants.

    Or maybe they can't 'discriminate' against those who show such qualities.

    They might just be hit with another lawsuit?

    So we are stuck with a certain percentage of cops being a 'bad apple'?

  13. Answer the question.

  14. Their are bad people in every profession. This is real life. I agree they should be removed however MOST (and I mean a LARGE MAJORITY) of law enforcement officers do give a $h1t.


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