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Monday, July 30, 2012

Outraged Madonna Fans Intolerant Of Her Tolerance Concert Only Lasting 45 Minutes

There's nothing like a nice, small show to celebrate intolerance to get everyone's duff up: Madonna put on a concert in Paris, meant to celebrate nice things like acceptance of your fellow man, but closed things down after only 45 minutes to the dismay of her fans. They turned on the intolerance and reportedly began booing the Material Girl, crying out for refunds and slinging a few insults her way.

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  1. What's this? Maybe the french aren't stupid on some things after all.

  2. Never did like her music.

  3. What's the big deal? She subjected them to only 45 minutes of lip-synching, pre-recorded music, crotch-grabbing, and songs so lame they need shock value to sell. She did them a favor.

  4. She's a has been and needed a nap.

  5. 9:16 PM

    I take it you're not a fan.

  6. Give it time... They will wave the white flag on this one too...

  7. Give it time... They will wave the white flag on this one too...

    July 30, 2012 11:10 PM

    They didn't wave it when we needed their help during the revolution did they?

    Oh, you didn't know that?

  8. Its funny 12:47. That's all it is. Get over yourself sometime enough to see some light-hearted 'Merican comic relief.

    Did you hear about the recent blow to the French military? Their White Flag factory burned down leaving them completely defenseless.


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