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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

OCCUPY Respect


  1. Really? Straight out of the Obama playbook on this one. I am sure the Civil Rights movement wasn't popular at the time either....."who chose your profession?"

  2. Until they come home. Then there's plenty of troops marching with the rest of OCCUPY.

  3. 1158-I live in DC. I've gone down to the protests for a few laughs. I saw some of these so called protests, where it was getting primetime news coverage with literally a couple dozen people. Occucrap is dead, and never made an impact outside of polluting our parks.

  4. Sorry, but who are they protecting us from? Nobody wants to attack the US. Nobody is trying to take our freedoms away. The only people trying to take freedoms away from us is our government.

    They know what they are getting themselves into. Sending themselves into harms way for absolutely no reason. You want the war to end? Stop enlisting in the military.

    Im tired of seeing crap like this, especially when there are no threats in this world to the US.

  5. I was just in Salisbury and stopped to grab some lunch. While a few of us were waiting we were chatting about how hot it is.....then through the door came 2 men from the Army dressed in long sleeve shirts. Talk about a wake up call. I felt guilty that I was complaining about the heat when they were in uniform with long sleeves and those over in the middle east are probably even hotter. Thank you to those who serve!

  6. The banks and Wall St. will gladly steal from everyone of those soldiers.

  7. Protecting our freedom from what exactly?

    Afghan villagers - a significant threat to my liberty, for sure.

  8. They are not protecting American's.
    They are protecting poppy fields.
    The military industrial complex maybe.

    92% of Afghan nationals do not even know what the World Trade Center was.
    They know nothing of 9/11.

  9. 12:28.. what are you smoking??


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