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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama Runs From Obamacare, Claims 'Stabilized Economy' Greatest Achievement

During an interview with Charlie Rose the President backed away from claiming his own health care law as his signature achievement. Instead, he claims that the non-existent stability of the American economy is his real achievement.
President Obama said his proudest achievement over the past three and a half years is stabilizing the economy, not his signature health care reform law.

The President roared only recently "The law I passed is here to stay!" and the campaign distributed "Because of Obamacare" literature at an event earlier this month. However, after witnessing the sheer unpopularity of the law the President and his surrogates are now working feverishly to distance him from it, going so far as to brand the term "Obamacare" as Racist™.



  1. Of course it's all Bush's fault - but seriously all the more reason to repeal the entire thing.

  2. stabilized economy? only since it's hit rock bottom.


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