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Monday, July 09, 2012

Obama Poised for New Fight With G.O.P. Over Tax Cuts

With a torpid job market and a fragile economy threatening his re-election chances, President Obama is changing the subject to tax fairness, calling for a one-year extension of the Bush-era tax cuts for people making less than $250,000.

Mr. Obama plans to make his announcement in the Rose Garden on Monday, senior administration officials said. The ceremony comes as Congress returns from its Independence Day recess, and as both parties and their presidential candidates head into the rest of the summer trying to seize the upper hand in a campaign that has been closely matched and stubbornly static. 


1 comment:

  1. What a sweet deal. He's asking voters to fund another 4 years of vacations in Martha's Vineyard and he'll delay raising taxes on the middle class for a year. He calls this tax fairness????


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