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Monday, July 09, 2012

Muslims: 'Wipe Christianity From Face of Earth'

A Muslim group has released its plan to “wipe Christianity from the face of the earth,” Islamize the West and establish an Islamic system of world government – placing those who resist “under a police state.”

The 23-page booklet, “The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived,” is the brainchild of the United Muslim Nations International, a group led by Sheik Farook al-Mohammedi. The document outlines a plan for Muslim world domination and the re-establishment of the Caliphate.

Al-Mohammedi leaves no doubt about his view of Christianity.



  1. What part of they hate us and want to kill us don't some of you understand?

    1. I hear what your saying, Obama is putting us there quickly,

  2. This is an extremist group within a 2 billion-person religion; it's a clique; it's essentially Westboro Baptist Church ... they do not speak for all Muslims, yet somehow we can't get beyond our blind hate to understand this. And in case some of you good Christians forgot, you do the same damn thing.

  3. Oh my goodness , this really couldn't be happening! My oh my, people aren't that bad. They are our brothers!
    If you believe the last paragraph , then you have been brain washed by the obamie administration.
    My real thoughts are just the opposite. Lock and load , muslims must be stopped at all costs.
    Burn the Kuran when you have a chance.

  4. Thank you 642 for trying to post some common sense. Too bad its probably a futile effort up here.

    As for 1155, seems the number of extremists in body bags tells a different story

  5. Put a smile on America and just NUKE the middle East. Omega!

  6. once again visiting the White House, this past week.

  7. To Andy @ 11:55...this has nothing to do with the President of the United States.

  8. Anon 8:06...Nuking the Middle East would = ... "The End Of The World As We Know It."

  9. 9:25 The head of the Muslim Brotherhood did indeed visit the White House as a guest of Obama.

  10. This is a ruse.

    Zionism is the problem.

  11. Islam is the problem and must be defeated as the disease/cult it is.

  12. All part of the master plan.

  13. The Jews have tricked the Christians into hating the Muslims.

    The Muslims understand Judaism.

    The Christians are ignorant of Judaism.

  14. I am really confused as a Gentile. Yes, I am ignorant of the Koran, a book of the Jewish that I am familiar with from New York's population and other places with a prominant Roman nose and a skullcap who seem to be similar to Jesus the king of the jews and have some beliefs about pork and never drinking milk and eating beef in the same meal and Kosher foods. All cool and enlightening to me.
    My confusion comes from when the Koran becomes the Quran, and women are shot in the head for looking at the wrong person by their own father, are beaten, publicly stoned, and those who live are made to wear a black jail outfit out in the hot desert sun.

    I guess to some, these things are all the same religion??????????

    Sorry, I'll stick with Jesus Christ, the Father, and my own Holy Spirit...


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