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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Most Honest Three And A Half Minutes Of Television, EVER

WARNING: This video does have foul language. HOWEVER, it is a VERY powerful message.


  1. And so many U.S. Citizens do mot know this, and continue to believe that we are still the greatest, most free nation in the world. We have ignored in our pride the liberties we have given away to our government. There is not much left for them to get before they come to tske it all. Wake up, folks. So will it be Obama, Robamney, or someone who realizes what this Republic stands for to win in 2012?

  2. Ron Paul STILL has my vote.

  3. For all our shortcomings, we are STILL the greatest nation in the history of mankind.
    This self-serving, insincere video apology does absolutely nothing to change the fact.
    If not the USA, then what country IS?

  4. It's sad that my children will never know our country how I knew it growing up. We are NOT the greatest country in the world....anymore! Just like the guy on the video expressed! Oh my, all those young liberals did not like hearing that at all! Far from self serving 147PM.

  5. 11:47 This guy is on the money with his statements. It hasn't been going well for a few years, but now in the last 3 years, I've seen it go down so badly it's scary. This was not a self-serving video of apology. It was the truth.It was not an apology at all. Why can't you liberals handle the truth?

  6. Tell me Australia is more liberal/ commie than our overlawed government, 147!

  7. His statistics are off but he is dead on otherwise....

  8. His statistics are off but he is dead on otherwise....

    July 16, 2012 4:51 PM

    What do you believe the correct statistics are?

  9. For all our shortcomings, we are STILL the greatest nation in the history of mankind.
    This self-serving, insincere video apology does absolutely nothing to change the fact.
    If not the USA, then what country IS?

    July 16, 2012 1:47 PM

    How would you know that? Greatest nation in what sense?

    If you don't realize something is, and has been for a long time, wrong with this country, nothing will convince you otherwise.

  10. Watch this show on HBO on Sunday nights it called Newsroom. It's a great show, like this clip they give you realistic stats and are not so patriotic that they can't see what the truth about life actually is.

  11. And for all my Conservative viewers, the guy talking is actually a liberal. And what he is saying are tenants that liberal believe in and are true. I think we give titles too much merit, liberal and conservatives are really more alike than we are different.

  12. . I think we give titles too much merit,

    Then stop using them

  13. Why anyone thinks this an indictment of liberals is beyond me. It is an indictment of everyone, liberal, moderate, or conservative.

    I guess some of you are too stupid to recognize yourselves in the mirror.

    moderate democrat

  14. Oh, BTW, the man in the vid is Jeff Daniels, the actor.

    moderate democrat


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