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Monday, July 16, 2012

More Record Achievement

Today, a new report out from the Harvard Kennedy School confirmed what we already know: Maryland students continue to lead the nation.

According to its report, Maryland led the country in the growth in student achievement between 1992 and 2011.

Maryland’s economy is an Innovation Economy and we know that investments that improve the education of our children are investments that expand economic opportunities for our entire State. That’s why even as we’ve made record spending cuts, we have chosen together to make record investments in public education and school construction.
We’ve made real progress together:

For the past four years in a row, Education Week has named Maryland’s public schools #1 in the nation.

This year, we achieved the highest-ever MSA scores in elementary reading and math.

This year, we achieved the highest-ever middle school math scores.

Today, more than 76% of our middle school students score proficient in math—up from 39% in 2003.

Our high school students continue to lead the nation with the highest Advanced Placement Scores.

Working together, since 2007, we’ve closed the achievement gaps between African-American and white students by 23% and between Hispanic and white students by 38%.

Thank you to all of the educators, parents, administrators, support staff and faculty who work every day to help our children succeed and become the leaders of tomorrow.
And of course, a special thank you to all of our students who continue to make us proud!


  1. Wait a minute. Improving 3.5% in 19 years is enough to lead the nation? That doesn't seem very impressive at all.

  2. They've closed the gap by slowing down everybody and stopping the top students from getting too far ahead.

  3. Test based curriculum.
    6:45 has it right.

    It is false, a facade.
    Just like the liberals who cite manufactured evidence as success.

  4. The more students labeled as learning disabled the more test scores can be modified.
    Every other kid is diagnosed with some sort of autism scectrum disorder anymore or the diagnosis du jour "Asperger's Syndrome" which is the politically correct way of saying your kid is totally screwed up most likely due to irreponsible lifestyles and lack of parenting by the parents or guardian.

  5. It's criminal the way now a days they are allowed to label children with fetal alcohol syndrome and those born addicted to drugs which causes learning disabilites as autistic.
    Someone dreamed up this Autism Spectrum Disorder so as to be politcally correct. God forbid someone should actually place the blame where it belongs and risk offending someone.
    Anyone who has worked with true autistic people know they are profoundly disabled.

  6. MSA scores for African Americans in Wicomico county went down in reading in every grade 3-8 even though millions were spent on extra programs and staff. African American scores in math declined in grades 3, 4 and 7 so not as bad as the reading but still bad. I wonder how this will be worked around to hold everyone else accountable.


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