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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Millions Spent on Upkeep of Empty Katrina Lots

More than 3,000 lots flooded by Hurricane Katrina and bought with federal money in an emergency bailout sit idle across this city _ a multimillion-dollar drain on federal, state and city coffers that lends itself to no easy solution.

An Associated Press examination of the properties sold to the government by homeowners abandoning New Orleans after the catastrophic 2005 flood has found that about $86 million has been spent on 5,100 abandoned parcels. And there's no end in sight to maintenance costs for perhaps most of the 3,100 properties that remain unsold.



  1. You will always loose money when you build a city 10 feet below sea level and fill it full of Democrats.

  2. How about they give them away, similar to the oklahoma land rush? Willing pioneers just come take this land and it's yours free and clear as long as you build on it and inhabit it/utilize it in a legal fashion for x amount of years before you can sell it.


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