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Monday, July 02, 2012

Md. Inmates to Train Service Dogs for Wounded Vets

Maryland's prison agency says it's teaming up with a guide-dog group to have inmates train service dogs for wounded and disabled military veterans.

Public Safety and Correctional Services Secretary Gary Maynard and leaders of America's Vet Dogs were set to announce the program Monday at the Maryland Correctional Institution near Hagerstown.



  1. It's a great program and working in many southern jails for the inmates and shelter animals. The article doesn't say but I sure hope they pull homeless dogs from their local shelters.

  2. A idea would be to have inmates train dogs that are in shelters that aren't housebroken and don't know basic commands. It would benefit not only the inmates but the dogs and people who would like to adopt an adult shelter dog but would prefer a dog that is trained in basic commands like sit and stay.


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