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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mayor Ireton Does It Again


Ladies & Gentlemen, you just have to listen to this interview. It is truly amazing how one person can come off so charismatic, put words in peoples mouths when they aren't there to defend themselves and the local media simply allows it, on purpose, mind you.

The Mayor, (well after a lawsuit has been filed) continues to call me a "Delaware Blogger" three more times and continues to show his paranoia toward three Council Members.

The Mayor admits in this interview "almost all of them will be for sale" talking about the Downtown Parking Lots, especially the waterfront Parking Lots.

What I find most disturbing is the fact that Mayor Ireton never seems to accept "NO". As soon as someone goes against him he throws a fit, they come up with petitions and he creates a huge scene because he isn't getting his way. A petition changes nothing Mr. Ireton. A petition with fictitious names, hijacked names, (like mine, three times) and then running to the Press telling them you have hundreds of them because you really have no support, unless you count hundreds of names from out of state.

If Salisbury News wasn't around to tell the other side of things, you plan may have worked. Ireton admits that "I'm happy to see social media to hear what the citizens are saying". Jim, are you really listening, or is that just another sound bite to favor your agenda. In this form of social media the people are clearly saying, (by the hundreds) your plan is nothing short of corporate welfare.

No one is claiming you are lining your pockets, YOU MADE THAT UP. The Host of this show, Don Rush interviewed me two times over the past three weeks. That interview has yet to air and Lord knows what he'll edit in to the 7 minute segment after we spent hours together discussing topics. Mr. Rush seemed to be extremely pleased with my ideas, including a resolve to the Parking Lots Downtown. He seemed to truly enjoy my ideas for revitalizing the Plaza.

No Mr. Ireton, I highly doubt Joe Albero has converted the three Democrat Council Members to the "far right". You have treated two female Council Members with complete disrespect for the past 3+ years, yet you keep suggesting to the public you would still campaign for them. Do you really believe people are going to buy such a thing? Do you really think those three Council Members would want ANY sort of endorsement from you? YOU needed THEM to get elected, just as Louise Smith did the same.

I personally thank Mayor Ireton for stepping up to the plate by making sacrifices 99.0% of the citizens weren't willing to do. For that you have my respect. The civility you promised to bring to the table to garnish votes has proven to be untrue. Your pointing ALL of your failures on the "council of no's" has been childish and uncalled for.

Ladies & Gentlemen, let me close with this. Recently the Mayor put out a Press Release stating the Council majority has turned down projects that have been in the works for years. Well let me give you just a brief example of why and what Mayor Ireton is really doing. Take the bike trail, for example. The Mayor is supposed to be ADVERTISING for Volunteers to help fill these Boards, he has NOT. Being that these Boards are not full, being that it is summer times, these Boards cannot get enough members to create a quorum to VOTE on these matters and move it forward for the Council's approval. The Mayor KNOWS this but still tries to place these items on the AGENDA. By Law, the Council CANNOT do so and the Mayor knows that. However, he's NOT telling you the game he's playing and the local novice Media Reporters aren't smart enough to investigate it.

The next thing you know the Media falls for the Mayors game and starts knocking on the Council Members doors without notice, shoves a mic in their faces and demands answers. They don't air the reasons why because they don't understand it. Mayor Ireton is doing nothing but playing games. Again, if it wasn't for Salisbury News you wouldn't know the truth and I truly believe come election time the citizens will vote Ireton out of Office. If elected I will turn things around and the citizens will finally have a straight shooter that tells the truth for once without games. The TRUTH may not be easy to accept by any or all of us, we'll see. Nevertheless, the truth will move us forward and morale will certainly increase for City employees and the citizens.

Please listen to this interview. Have a great weekend.


  1. Thank you Joe. I did not know these boards didn't have enough people to vote. Jim, I was on the fence between you and Joe but now I know who I'll support. I will contact Debbie or Terry to see if this is accurate and if this is true you will have my vote Joe. I've had just about enough of this crap.

  2. in jims warped pee brained mind..he thinks that getting all this publicity is making him a somebody! i really do not think that he knows how STUPID and IGNORANT he is makeing his self look. it just blows my mind that he is a mayor..he couldnt manage a bowl of jelly. if wasnt for ms debbie,ms terry and mr spies salisbury would be a disaster zone! jim ireton needs to pack his bags and go join davis ruark! far far away!

  3. It won't be long until Ireton just crashes and burns. You can see what the pressure has already done to him and we haven't yet even begun to fight

    He maybe able to hang for a short while as long as he has chuck cook to hold his hand. it's a shame he has dragged his friends, city employees and taxpayers down his ugly little road

  4. Jim Ireton needs to go. I will never take the local media at their word again. This is a strange feeling wondering if what your being told is true or not. Maybe its time to move away.

  5. In most 3rd world countries Ireton would be be-headed.

  6. We move section 8 downtown it will be a third world city. If jim would only sit back and listen to himself and what he proposes...I think he is being told by a developer and their friends what to do and how to speak..they are laughing at you jim not with you. You are their amusement.

  7. tar and feathers come to mind

  8. He always has his little panties in a wad.

  9. Ireton is an Obama acolyte -- using the same tactics in the main stream media as BO by attacking the legislative body (in BO's case, Congress) for not doing what he wants.

    No surprise that Jimbeau will be an Obama delegate at the Democrat convention this year, as will Laura Mitchell. They are truly double trouble for Salisbury.

  10. In most 3rd world countries Ireton would be be-headed.

    July 14, 2012 10:45 AM

    You think that is right and something to aspire to?

  11. Anyone know what the "wise" words were this morning at the 9:00 show.

  12. I can't hear the MP3 it says I'm log
    out of AOL.

  13. 12:25 -

    He wants Greater Salisbury Committee to fund a dunking stool at the Marina to use on Debbie & Terry.

  14. Joe:

    That link in this post does not work.

  15. That douche bag has to go!!!!

  16. Is this the link? Because what he is saying is pretty nasty.


  17. Joe, when you are elected and I have no doubt you will be are you going to address the pay scale at SPD? Also will you be looking for a new Chief or will you keep Chief Duncan?

  18. anonymous 6:17, What I'll be doing is agressively looking for new Officers, since the Mayer can't seem to keep good people and continues to micro manage the Police Department.

    I'd like to sit down with Chief Duncan and listen to her plan of attack.

    Let me say this as well. City employees haven't seen a pay increase in many years. NO, the SPD will NOT specifically be the only ones getting raises, if affordable. All for one and one for all. No more of this Mayors Staff Only getting raises, that's OVER. NO raising taxes just to create pay increases.

    Either we ALL work together by being smarter and more efficient and save enough money to afford pay raises across the board or NO ONE gets a raise.

    I believe the majority of City employees would agree with that as well as the taxpayers. The City needs to be run like a business, period.

    We need to encourage new businesses. We need to STOP giving away land in which NO taxes will be paid on, such as parking lots for affordable housing, if you get my drift.

    Working smarter WILL help build additional income to pay ALL City employees without it coming out of the taxpayers pocket. Mayor Ireton has had 3+ years to try and build Economic Development and now out of desperation he's trying to come up with a typical liberal move to make it look like we're headed in the right direction.

    I believe the voters know better and will say so at the polls.

  19. "Joe, when you are elected and I have no doubt you will be are you going to address the pay scale at SPD? Also will you be looking for a new Chief or will you keep Chief Duncan?"

    These are totally unfair questions. For example, should the right thing to do turn out to be merging SPD into County public safety, the feet on the street might end up with a raise by them becoming County employees and Duncan's job might go away. You end up with what it appears you want but it may cost others.

    All this silly grandstanding by Ireton should teach people something. That is, he can't fulfill promises he makes and he doesn't have a clue about how he could. Think about it. If he tried to get a permit to hold one of his gigs on the Ocean City boardwalk, he'd lose out to a MIME or someone that makes animals out of balloons.

    Put another way, how much has Ireton promised to increase SPD pay? If he did, do you believe he will?

  20. Joe, I hope you will run this again tomorrow. I just back from a nice dinner out with my wife and visiting son and thought I would look in quick. The last thing I want to do is lose my dinner listening to this. But maybe I will tomorrow.

  21. Everyone keeps saying the mayor is a homo sapien., but I see no evidence that he is!

  22. Everyone keeps saying the mayor is a homo sapien., but I see no evidence that he is!

    July 14, 2012 10:04 PM

    Is that a joke or you just stupid?

  23. Anonymous said...

    In most 3rd world countries Ireton would be be-headed.

    July 14, 2012 10:45 AM

    You think that is right and something to aspire to?

    July 14, 2012 11:44 AM

    I didn't write the post, but I think it's not a bad idea for this country to look into. After all the people doing it now are such peace loving people.


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