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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mass Murder 'Normal' in World Without God

WASHINGTON – The press is eagerly hunting clues as to why James “the Joker” Holmes murdered 12 people and injured dozens more in a shooting attack at an Aurora, Colo., movie theater where people had gathered to see the latest Batman movie.

But they’re not likely to find them, says evangelist-author Ray Comfort – because they’re looking in all the wrong places.

“This latest alleged mass murderer isn’t so easy to peg,” says Comfort, author of the new book “Hitler, God and the Bible.” “He came from a good home, in a good area, and he had a good education. But those who ask ‘What went wrong?’ are asking the wrong question. It should rather be ‘What is wrong?’ The biblical worldview isn’t that anything went wrong. Here was a normal sinful human being involved in an evil act of murder. The Scriptures tell ‘The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked’ (Jer. 17:9), and that no one is morally good in God’s eyes.”



  1. How many millions have been killed because of religion?

  2. That's right. If you kick God out of your life, work, government, schools, etc., you are doomed.

    You cannot have morals without God.

    Look around. Read a paper. Watch the news.

    Sad part is it's only going to get worse.

    Happy now?

  3. Ray Comfort is right!

  4. How many millions have been killed because of religion?

    July 25, 2012 5:52 PM

    Same old tired inaccurate excuse.

    Sin = death, not religion.

    Which 'religion' is out there killing people now?

    If you don't want to believe in God, that's your business.

    But don't judge others and repeat falsehoods to try to justify it.

    I don't judge you for not believing, don't judge me and others because we choose to believe in God.

  5. I had to read paragraph #9 twice to grasp it, and it's really a home run! (The one which includes the reference to obama's businessman statement). Well done article, and one I will show to my kids.

  6. Um, "God" is a Christian's term for the Trinity, but it is used loosely to describe other "gods", even the false god golden calf being worshipped as Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain, so watch out how that term is used/ abused! I'm sure, after reading Ray Comfort's article, he refers to God of the Christian Bible and the Father of the Trinity. I am a biF fan of the Trinity; the father, who is Heaven, the Son he sent to us in flesh and blood to demonstrate that a real human being has the capacity to be perfect because He made you, and the Holy Spirit, the Spirit that I wake up with every day which helps me with today's Major Decision,"What kind of person do I want to become today?"

    THAT is what guides my day, what guides yours?

  7. Kids are all screwed up anymore. They go to school with a messy backpack and they are labeled ADD and given a chemical lobotomy (Ritalin.)
    They are given books such as "Heather Has 2 Mommies" (true look it up if you don't believe me) to read and they better darn sight not express a negative opinion because schools are "No Hate Zones."
    Kids can't express themselves anymore because of all the political correctness BS. They've got pent up anger. That coupled with the chemical lobotomies equals danger. More are going to start snapping unless the public schools start teaching instead of attempting to mind control the children.

  8. thank you for many of the comments here. ray comfort is spot on.

  9. You dont need a God to see yourself. All you have to do is open your eyes.

  10. God is nothing but the truth. It is said that the human body is the Temple of the lord. It is, not because of God but because the truth of things is in all of us. When we go to sleep at night even people who think they are bad men see it and feel it. The truth about you will set you free. You cant fix it if you cant see it. But it is in all of us who are not mental fked up. Its there, hell its always been there. You find that inside yourself and you are making progress. It aint God, its you.

  11. Now go buy a case of windex because your gonna need it.

  12. Time isnt forever and I am looking it square in the face. It is what it is and nothing more.

  13. I aint seen God yet.

  14. Maybe you just arent looking for him. Yeah, thats it.

  15. When I go I will hand pick the ones that go to. And trust me every fkn one of them had it coming for alot more then just me. By the way how is T Sarbanes doing. Hope he is well.

  16. Daddy first though.

  17. Crazy, maybe. Maybe not.

  18. Bullard Construction said...
    Um, "God" is a Christian's term for the Trinity, but it is used loosely to describe other "gods", even the false god golden calf being worshipped as Moses brought the tablets down from the mountain, so watch out how that term is used/ abused!

    There are many 'gods' but only one true God. The God of Abraham, Moses, and Jacob is the one whom I am referring.

    I'm not exactly sure who or what you are referring to but I hope that clears up any confusion on your part as to whom I am referring.


  19. wow. you all belong in a padded room.

  20. The whole point is this. when a Country kills God it kills itself. When there is no belief in an afterlife retribution for evil things done. then all things are in play both good and evil. Murder, rape, rob, destroy for when you die you simply die nothing more. as the years go by and progressive liberals continue to eliminate God from future generations crime with continue to escalate. R.W.T. Sgt Ret.SPD

  21. wow. you all belong in a padded room.

    July 26, 2012 12:54 AM

    Why? For wanting to be good people, have morals, do the right thing?

  22. This has nothing to do with GOD. It's people who kill people.
    Americans are so spoiled. There is one thing Americans do to one another and others consistently, Kill.

  23. God is a generic term. It serves many religions.

    Christianity is not a religion.

    Jesus Christ abolished the need for religion as well as government.


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